Night out 2

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But he didn't need to wait for someoneone else for long. Charles plopped up next to him "Good tunes mate." The Briton smiled "Thanks Charlie. Did you have fun? I saw you dancing with Logan." Charles smiled "Oh yeah, Logan is pretty fun when he is relaxed like that. And a pretty good dancer. I was happy to have the two watchdogs with us cause I am sure otherwise some of the man would have tried to snatch him away." He pointed to Oscar and Max, who stilled stood around with a hard expression on, their sculped bodies on display showing everyone to keep their distance.

Lando frowned "Oh?" But Charles knew how to press these buttons some more "Yeah, One tried actually but Oscar was there in a second shooing them away." He lightly laughed at the younger. A bit more covered he said "So some is catching feelings." Lando now stared at him "I...what?" The older driver smiled warmly "I saw you looking at Logan, and I recognized the look." Lando trusted his friend "Well, its complicated." Charles nodded "It always is, just let me tell you he looked the same way back, you just didn't see it." And then they got interrupted by Max "Charles, want something to drink?" The addressed smiled "Sure. Lando...just take it easy." The Briton nodded.

He still felt the gnawing feeling of some else dancing with the American that barged into his life so surprisingly. To his luck Carlos had ended the conversation, giving Lando an opportunity to speak to Logan "Hey there handsome." Carlos still in earshot yelled "Well thank you Loverboy." The Briton chuckled at his friend "Wasn't talking to you but okay. Whatever keeps you busy."

Logan had seen the new found DJ coming, he happily smiled at the banter between him and Carlos just waiting for his turn. Carlos walked off completely giving them some space. The brunette walked over more stiitng down next to him, closer then usually but who cared? Logan let the other put down his hand on his leg "Did you like my music?" he nodded "I did, really enjoyed it. You have a lot of hidden talents Mister Norris." The boy squeezed his leg "Well thank you Mister Sargeant, I am happy it suited you. I saw you dancing with Charles." It was a statement "Oh yeah, he is really sweet and Max was really happy about it I think." Lando nodded "I heared he was keeping all the good looking guys away from you." The blonde laughed "Oh I am not so sure about that but he was definitely keeping them away from Charles."

Logan suddenly remembered something "Here, look." He showed the other his phone. It was Instagram. Lando looked at himself, up one the GJ pult. He felt proud. And it felt weird. This time now one needed to guess who the guy was, because it was pretty clear, but he couldn't find anything in him that cared "That's a good picture Darling." He wasn't sure if it was the light or if Logan really blushed "Thank you precious." After that they stayed silent, just looking into each other's eyes. Hearts pounding.

They stayed together for the rest of then night. On their way back, Lando held onto Logans hands pulling him along as he and Oscar walked, teasing the other. Back in the apartment Oscar disappeared in the bathroom and then his room nearly instantly. Logan had thought about a specific request the whole walk back, but still couldn't get himself so ask Lando.

They just stood in the kitchen, silent, sipping on the waters they got out of the fridge fighting the hangover they would get tomorrow. Then their eyes locked again, like they tend to do over the last days. The younger tried to open his mouth and ask but his body wouldn't listen to him at all. He felt sullen, dumb mouth.

Lando noticed the change in Logans charisma. Worried he asked "Logan, everything alright?" He noticed how the other shivered, how his eyes hushed from his bedroom door to Lando and back. A bulb went on in his mind "Oh" The American looked at him again, it made Lando frown when he noticed the slightly scared expression of the other boy.

Softly he spoke "Do you want me to sleep with you?" The American made big eyes, surprised "I...I..." He paused, collecting his last braincells "Yes please." The Briton watched him with a tender expression "Alright, lets get ready for bed and then I'll come over, alright?" The other driver just nodded, happily he emptied his glass.

Logan was already cuddled in his blanket when Lando came to him. Like the last night, he just closed the door and crawled under the covers. When he was comfortable, he opened his arms letting the taller cuddle close. The voice of the blonde was small, his accent thicker "Thank you Lando." The older smiled down at him.

It made something steer in Lando, something sad, like a foreshadowing. They knew Logan would have to leave and this would end. But it made Lando only want to hold onto the warm feeling more. His horse voice answered "always, Good night angel." He pressed a kiss onto the blonde strands of Logans hair before both boys fell asleep.

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