Relationsship talk

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The next morning Lando was up first. Groggily he rolled on his back, holding Logan pressed against his side. After a moment he found his phone checking the new messages.

When it was time he softly woke up the other driver so they could get ready for the race today. They knew the couple wouldn't have time to meet during the day so they agreed on meeting in the evening back in Landos room.

As Logan wanted to leave Lando pulled him back one last time. He kissed the other deeply, before pressing their foreheads together "Mine." Logan smiled "Mine." Then Reality began.

The day was hard. Lando wasn't happy with the result but still ended in the top 10, while Logans days was just bad. Lando had formed an idea during his debrief. They had a week between the next race, so he wanted to invite Logan again. Maybe even Oscar, Alex and George.

The other drivers agreed all, so they currently were all sunbathing happily in front of a holiday home they rented for the weekend. Lando had soaked up the morning cuddles with Logan before they joined the others. Lando had kissed the blonde softly whenever he got the chance what spilled their secret to the others nearly the moment their free time officially started. But The group was happy for their friends, what didn't stop them from teasing every chance they got.

The Couple knew they still needed to talk about the future of their connection. And Lando decided that it was time as they walked along the coastline alone. Carefully he took the others hand "Logan we need to talk." The blonde stopped "In a good way or a bad?" The Briton smiled "Good I guess. We need to talk about our future." The other nodded "Yeah, I know. I just... I am not sure what to say." Lando squeezed his hand "We will figure it out. I really like you and I want to be with you, for as long as possible." The other driver nodded "Me too, I don't want to leave, but I am sure that at the latest by the end of the year I wont have a seat in F1." The Brunett hummed "Okay." Both breathed lowly.

They started walking again. Lando continued "But I mean a lot of the partners form the other drivers aren't drivers too, and they can make it work. I am sure that we can do that too." Logan smiled "Really? You want too?" He knew he needed a lot of reassurance, but Lando never made him feel bad about it, he reassured him as often as he needed "I am sure." The American stopped, this time to pull the other in a long kiss "That makes me really happy." They smiled at each other.

In the end the couple decided to keep their secret from the press as long as they could but if Logan wouldn't get a new contract for 2025 they would talk about it again. For now they would be opened to friends and family just like they planned.

The couple now stood on top of a cliff, overlooking the sea and a beautiful sunset. They shared loving kisses, just bathing in their love, warmed from the happiness. 

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