Back in London

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Logan: Landed safely, am already back in my place

Lando: perfect, I have a surprise for you

Logan: What do you mean?

Lando: Wait and see

Logan stared at the text, wait and see. He wondered what that would mean, but something else distracted him. Alex called "Hey man." Logan smiled at his teammates voice "Hey mate, also back?" The Tai answered "Yeah, wanna go out for dinner, I don't feel like cooking." Thankful Logan huffed "Tell me about it, when and where?" They arranged a time and place not that far away.

Logan was about to hang up when his doorbell went off "Hey Alex I need to go, see you later." The other agreed and hang up. Infront of the door stood a delivery person, holding a bouquet of flowers. The man smiled at him "Logan Sargeant?" He nodded "Yes?" The flowers got handed over "For you." And then the man left. Confused the American carried the flowers in his kitchen, searching for a vase or something.

They ended up on the kitchen table and there was a note "Just try, better days will come. LN4". Logan smiled. He smelled the tulips and Roses "Oh Lando" After a moment of savoring the beautiful arrangement the boy took a picture, sending it to the giver "Thank you gorgeous" He got an answer immediately through a call.

"Hey there beautiful." Logan laughed "Hello Darling." A second voice was heard near Lando "I am here too." The American smiled "Hello Aussie." They all laughed "How was the flight?" Logan smiled at his friend, he had something off an older brother side sometimes "It was good, calm and not to long. How is Monaco?" Now it was Lando who answered, "Its alright, maybe a bit cold." Oscar hummed "Yeah, you were lucky the rain came as soon as you left." Logan smiled "Oh I take that as a compliment." They kept talking about more insignificant stuff until Logan noticed the time "Oh I am sorry but I actually need to leave. Alex is taking me out for food." Oscar was the first to answer "Great, say hi for me. Have a good night well talk soon." And then a door clicked in the phone.

Lando was silent for a second "You liked the flowers?" Logan hummed "Yeah, my first flowers. Thank you." He didn't knew what to say, it felt strange not being next to the smaller driver "I miss having you around." The words slipped out before he thought about it but it was to late anyways and it was true. Lando sounded strained "I miss you too. I have to be honest I am a bit jealous of Alex." Logan laughed "Oh really?" The other answered "Yeah. Still, have a great time and let me know when you are back. I'll be waiting for a text." The Williams driver looked at the clock again "I will, but now I really need to go. Hear you Lando." He could hear his sadness and so could Lando "See you Little one." The call ended.

Alex was there on time, letting Logan know he was waiting in front of his door. During the drive Logan told his teammate about his time in Monaco. Logan was so busy ranting his missed Alex fond looks and the pleased smiled on the others face.

Alex didn't speak until they were sat at a table a bit in the back of the restaurant "Sounds like a good time." Logan nodded "It was." But Alex wasn't finished "And you posted a lot about it. Lando was in a lot of the posts, whats up with that?" The younger boy stilled for a second "Oh, you noticed it?" His teammate smiled fondly at him "Of course I know Lando for a long time now. I recognize him even when he tried to disguise it. I don't get why?" Logan nodded "Well its kinda complicated..." He fell silent. Could he tell Alex?

The Tai spoke up first "Logan if you two are dating, thats alright with me. As long as you are confident in the whole decision I am not here to judge or anything." The American looked at him for a long moment "Its not that we are really dating." He paused "We are kind of fake dating." Alex just looked at him confused, so Logan went on "After Australia the Team told me I need more like action beside the track. And somehow Oscar came up with the idea of me and Lando acting like we are dating over Insta. That's what you saw... it worked pretty well. It got a lot of attention." His friend smiled "Okay, but...? That cant be all?"

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