Going out 1

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They arrived in the night club in just a couple of minutes. Lando had opened another button of his back dress shirt on the way, giving everyone a good look at the necklace he was wearing as well as his tanned skin. Logan nearly walked into a streetlamp when he watched him do it. Oscar noticed it and laughed hard at his friend, what got Landos attention, but he didn't react on it.

The mood inside the club was great, a lot of people already on the dance floor. Lando still wore his sunglasses, rocking the to cool for school look. The Briton lead the group through the crowd only stopping when he reached a bigger group. Logan noticed some more drivers like Charles and Carlos. The Spaniard greeted his smaller friend enthusiastically "LandooOo." The boy laughed "CaaarloooOosss." They both laughed.

Charles smiled at Landos additions "Hello Oscar and Logan." He fist bumped them smiling warmly "Welcome. What can I get you to drink?" They both went for a beer, which got handed to them immediately. Logan looked around trying to spy Lando to ask for his drink but the boy was gone. Oscar next to him laughed and yelled "Typically Lando, you wont see him much tonight, he is the kind of guy that is always gone when we go out." It surprised Logan that this gave him a little sting, but he was here to have fun so he was going to do that.

After a third beer Charles convinced him to accompany him to the dancefloor for a bit. Charles had Max in tow. The Dutch driver seamed not really happy to be pat of the dancing, it was clear he was here for Charles. As they reached a good space Charles grabbed Max by the hand and pulled him closer dancing slowly with the blond. Logan laughed at the stiff man kind off watching Charles rub against himself.

He knew the next song that came on, with a last sip Logan started moving with the beat. His arms in the air, one hand still around the bottle. He and Oscar sang along loudly with the crowd. It got hot fast and Logan unbuttoned two buttons of his dress shirt as well as rolling up his cuffs. He kept rolling his hips, not a care in the world. As the beat changed the boy felt even more comfortable in his movements. Just having fun.

Oscar next to him, watched him only nosing his head with the beat like a watchdog. Charles noticed Logan and smiled before letting go of Max grabbing the American "Look at you dancing." Max stumbled next to Oscar "Oh thank god." Oscar laughed at the fellow driver "Mister World campion still can't dance." The older groaned "Shut up." They watched Charles and Logan. Both men jumping, turning, and rolling their hips as they pleased.

Max was more than happy to get away from the dancing duty "Didn't knew Logan could have fun." Oscar nodded "He is petty introverted and has a hard time letting loose." The blonde nodded "But Charles loves it. Is he staying with you and Lando?" The Aussie nodded "Yeah we picked him up at the airport after Australia." Max huffed "That was such a failure." The younger smiled "I mean for the both of you sure." Just then Max noticed something "Where is Lando?" They searched the crowed for the small Briton but there was nothing "Don't know."

They only needed to wait for another moment, because the wanted suddenly appeared behind Logan. Wrapping his arms around the tallers waist pulling him against himself. The American seemed happy to see him, letting the older one handle him like he pleased. They whispered for a bit wrapped around the other before Lando pulled away. Just as fast as he came the boy was gone, leaving Charles smirking and Logan blushing. The Ferrari driver laughed out "So...? Lando?"

Logan blushed more "Its not like that." But Charles only hummed "Not yet." That did it. The American hide his face in his hands "Its driving me crazy." Charles nodded "Oh yeah, I can relate." His eyes darted to Max, only to find the other one already looking at him "I went threw that too." The younger took a deep breath "Well you at least had a chance, because you were playing in the same league." Charles laughed "I think we should talk about this later, maybe we could grab some breakfast in the next days." Logan was surprised but who was he to refuse "Sure, I'd love too."

They went back to dancing but not for long. Suddenly the music stopped and the DJs voice could be heard "Lets hear it for the new guest DJ Lando Norris." Logan span around. There stood the Briton, with a smug smiled already looking back at him. The crowd cheered, probably already to drunk to care. Charles grabbed the American by the arm screaming in his ear "Well well, what is he up to?" But Logan had no idea, so he just shrugged "No clue." But they didn't need to wait for long.

Lando smiled down from his slightly higher position, this was gonna be fun. When his eyes found Logan the blonde just turned around to him. The McLaren driver smiled, he knew he would give his best just to impress the other.

When it was time to start he just tried to concentrate on the feeling inside him. The mental pictured his brain painted, of Logan dancing to his beats. To his happiness the reality looked just like his imagination. Some of the tension abated as his eyes roamed over the tall, blonde boy softly swaying to his beats. It made his guts flutter when the realization hit him, that he had a role in the happy face Logn displayed. Knowing that he let himself have some fun too.

After an hour of dancing and mixing both boys needed a break. Charles had just returned back to the booth with Logan when Lando said his goodbyes to the crowd and made his way back to the group as well. He got stopped a few times, when he was finally back Logan was already deep in a conversation with Carlos. 

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