The Plan

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He did until Logan woke up from his sleep, still messy hair and now crumpled face. He got his food as well, eating it in silence. When everything was taken away Lando couldn't stop himself from asking "Logan are you gay?" The addressed squeaked, his voice a lot higher "What? Why?" Oscar gave Lando a look that said something along of – are you out of your mind- but he just smiled "Well Oscar had an odea for your problem, but I need to know the answer before I make a decision."

Now logan fixated Oscar next to him "What did you say to him?" Oscar huffed "Well, you aren't really happy with dating right now, right? And I thought since you need someone with some social media presence, I thought maybe you could fake date Lando." Logans brain suspended briefly. Then it went into overdrive form 0 to 100 thoughts in a second. Like a storm they raged inside his head only stopped by Lando "And I thought about it for a bit now, before I think about it like a real possibility I need to know if your are gay or Bi or straight or whatever." Logan just stared at him. Lando was considering it- he was surprised at how surprised he was. Bu on the other hand he didn't knew what Oscar told him in the first place.

Oscar next to him, knew his friend good enough for recognizing his facial expression. He carefully laid a hand on Logans shoulder "You don't need to decided anything now we need to talk about my idea some more of course but I can tell you what I told Lando." Logan nodded "okay, so I thought you would prefer fake dating someone, and that you didn't need to make anything public maybe just some teasing via Insta or maybe some flirting on the grid would be enough." Again, Logan nodded slowly. He took a breath in "I... I need a second." He stood up and went to the toilet locking himself in.

When he came back Lando looked more serious and Oscar more concerned. As soon as Logan had sat down Lando said "I am sorry for just throwing a question like this on you, it wasn't intention to overwhelm you or anything." The American nodded "Its fine... I am Bi." Lando nodded. He paused for a second before looking Logan firmly into the eyes "Me too." And that was that. It felt like a silent agreement.

The rest of the flight was spend planning the whole thing. They talked about personal boundaries and possible ways to get attention to Logan. They talked about the upcoming week and Logan had called his trainer setting up a schedule with him. It was a lot for all of them so when they finally arrived at the aiport in Nice Logan was tired again and his mates looked just as exhausted. To his surprise Lando told him they didn't need to drive themselves to Monaco, Carlos would pick them up. The Spaniard and his girlfriend had landed earlier and offered to collect them. All three.

So after getting through customs and all Logan was now sitting squashed between Lando and the car door in the backseat of a rented car, driven by Carlos. He was silent listening to Carlos and Lando joking around, Oscar tuning in from time to time. It gave Logan the opportunity to actually look at his future "boyfriend". He knew Lando was attractive, but he never really thought about the reasons many people thought that. Lando had a slim figure, sporty but not bulky like Carlos. His soft curls fit his silly personality, and his light eyes tend to sparkle with mischief. All in all Logan got it, he was the kind of type to get a lot of attention from people, because he demanded it in some kind. He made himself in a brand. Logan never had a "Type", but he was sure if he and Lando met under other circumstances he would have hit on him.

Landos flat was nice. A lot of light complimenting the light wood. It was big but still kind of impersonal. Well everything but his gaming room. There Logan saw a lot of McLaren and other racing stuff. It looked like Lando put a lot of effort in it. Oscar disappeared in the room he always stayed in, leaving Lando to show Logan around alone. To his surprise Logan was indeed interested in Landos life or at least his home. He asked about somethings he had on display, complimenting a lot.

In the end Lando lead him to his room for the next days "Sorry its normally more like a storage room for me." He opened the door. Behind was a smaller room, with a queen size bed, a nightstand and two shelfs. A lot of stuff was stuffed into them. Logan discovered more racing stuff, as well as equipment for filming like a ring light and stuff for gym "Don't worry its fine, I am kinda intruding so..." Lando mumbled "Still, I'll be back with your bedding in a minuet." In the door he turned around "You welcome to move it all around as you please."

Logan nodded silently, watching Lando leave. He felt awkward standing in a room of a flat from a guy he hadn't really talked to before, getting to spend the week while they got ready to unofficially date. He didn't know why Lando agreed in the first place.

To get out of this thoughts Logan started planning what he would need. In the end the boy decided to life out of his suitcase, taking up as little space as possible. Lando came back handing him his bedding and wishing the American a good night sleep. Logan smiled and returned the pleasantries before setting up his bed. When everything was ready he was ready to sleep again, exhausted from the weekend. 

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