first night

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After an hour they returned to the garage, parking the car. He got out letting Lando lead him back into the apartment.

Oscar joined them a bit later, retuning from his run with his trainer. Together they got their lunch out before sitting down at the table and eating, discussing some afternoon plans. Landos gaze turned to the American ever now and then, checking if he was all right. Since the parking lot he wanted to make sure the American was happy around him, as often as possible. 

After cleaning up he needed to leave, but there was something new. Normally he wouldn't mind leaving Oscar or other friends alone in his home, but this time he would have preferred to be able to bring Logan. It was not that he didn't trust the boy, he felt concerned knowing he would be alone no one around for him to talk to. Oscar sensed his thoughts like he tended to "He will be fine we are only gone for a few hours." Lando nodded as they drove to their appointment with their team "Still, he had a bit off a moment earlier and I am concerned he will slip again." Oscar smiled softly. He knew Lando was a really caring person, it pleased him to see his friends getting along so well. "He has that sometimes, but he can manage it, just like you and me. He is a big boy." His teammate nodded "I know still. I don't want him to feel bad." As soon as they reached their target there was no time to think about the American in his apparent, this was work.

These feelings only rose again as they were driving back.

But he didn't need to worry, Logan sat in front of his Tv watching some football game. But there was something new on the coffee table. Oscar chuckled as Logan handed the flowers over to Lando "As a thank you, I thought they would fit in here perfectly." The brunette took them "Oh, thank you. I don't think I ever got flowers before." Logan smiled at that "So I am your first, I am honored." He sat back down his eyes still fixated on Lando. He hadn't missed the little smile in the corner of the others mouth.

Logan sat up in his bed, he felt the tears on his face, but the sleep was still numbing his brain a bit. Then his door opened slowly, a head appeared.

Lando looked around. The boy heard the cries from his room but wasn't sure what they meant. After they still went on for a few more times he got out of his own bed, searching for the causer. He ended up in front of Logans door. Automatically his heart clenched, Logan was in distress.

After Lando was sure Logan was awake he stepped into the room, closing the door behind his body "Hey, are you alright?" The American sniffled "Yeah. Yeah I think." But the Briton still came closer "You know you can talk to me." The younger driver rubbed his hands over his wet cheeks "I just had another nightmare, its okay." He didn't want to worry Lando or make himself look weak in front of him, but it was so hard not to let new tears fall.

Lando slowly sat down on the edge of the bed "Is it okay if I stay for a second I cant leave you alone like this." Logan nodded breathing heavily.

A hand suddenly rested on his leg and a quiet voice with a British accent mumbled "logan, it's alright I am here." That broke the last barrier. Tears streamed over his face "I... I" He tried finding the right words "I didn't fuck up the driving part but in the end I still fucked it up."

Lando scotched closer to him, letting his hand climb onto the other's shoulders "It wasn't your fault Logan. Williams made the wrong decision." "It's like each time I manage to give myself a chance to do good, it ends up all fucked and ..." He let his head fall onto Landos shoulder hiding from his fear.

Landos hand promptly started tangling in his hair, caressing his scalp "Logan...You are still at the beginning of your career. You're supposed to make mistakes and learn. Its normal. Geroge didn't score a single point until his, what..., fourth season. You need to let go of the pressure and start putting your self first. I know its hard and I am still struggling too but..." He carefully let his head rest on Logans head "Just try. That's all you can do. Better days will come."

Logan sniffled more, but the tears started to get less. The brunette wrapped his second arm around his back, now stroking him there too. It felt warm, safe, loved. Lando just sat there stroking him until he was calm again.

They ended up laying down in his bed, Lando half on Logan, his arms still tightly wrapped around the younger one. When Logan was drifting off again, Lando tried pulling away, but the boy wouldn't let him "Please, stay." He was begging him, the teary voice back. Lando couldn't say no. He couldn't and he didn't want to, so he got back. "I am here, I am keeping you safe, promise." He pressed a long kiss on Logans hair before settling back completely falling back to sleep as well. 

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