Coming out

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Monaco was beautiful in the mornings. Logan loved it. The days before they needed to get back to work were spend gaming, cuddling while getting teased from Oscar or working out together.

A week before the big race Lando brought something up "Logan I wanted to talk to you." Oscar wasn't in the apartment and wouldn't be until late evening, so the Briton wanted to take his chances "I want to throw a party. Just a small one for some friends and some drivers." The American nodded "Sure, sounds fun. Do you want me to leave?" That surprised the older driver "What? Why would you think that?" The blonde stared at him "I don't know, I thought...maybe... I don't know?" The other carefully moved closer. Softly he took the Williams driver hands, caressing the warm skin "No. I wanted the opposite." Logan frowned confused, so Lando explained "I want to show you off, as my boyfriend. I thought after the club and that you were okay with the friends there knowing, you maybe would be ready to come to part of the grid."

The American was hesitant but didn't pull away. He thought about it. He had imagined what it would be like to do it, to officially stand there as Landos boyfriend surrounded by the other drivers. But now that it was a possibility, he felt unsure. He still was kind of an outcast among them, but on the other hand a few of them already kinda knew. At least suspected them. Charles, Max, Carlos, George, Alex and Oscar. That were more people than he had remembered.

The man got interrupted "You have been quiet for some time? I didn't mean to rush you and you can Say No?" Lando had observed the younger driver. He wasn't sure what the stern expression meant. A slight fear started bubbling up - did he overstep? A new emotion flickered over the blonde's face. Lovingly Logan gazed at the other "Sorry, I just thought about, how a lot of them already know about us and how accepting they were, and I really liked that." The Briton breathed out "So you would be okay with it?" As an answer he got pulled in a long kiss.

After they pulled away logan smiled "Yes, I do. I just feel like we should talk about the how. Do you want us to sit them down and tell them or like in the club just be real around them?" Landos hand rested in the neck of the younger, he loved letting his fingers glide through the blonde hair "I think we should just be real, kiss when we want to, touch when we want to. And if somebody asked, we can tell them. I am not sure who will come, but of there is somebody who you don't know I would interduce you as my boyfriend."

And that what they did. A few days later the flat was clean, the fridge stocked and snack all over the place. Lando had decided that he would decided what they would wear and Logan let him. The American regretted his choice when he saw the Briton pull out a neon green shirt. To his luck it got tossed back in and replaced by Black T-shirt. Lando ended up in all black, but Logan appreciated the form fit shirt. The American got a complete beige outfit, same piece only different color.

As he put on the jewelry the older driver got him, he watched the other pull out a lint roller. It was hard not to laugh as the driver started to conscientious clean his shirt. Just then Logan noticed how deep his feelings had grown. The warmth the McLaren driver ignited in his body never left and it just felt so good.

Lando had noticed the looks he got. Defensively he grunted "What?" To his utter surprise Logan stared him in the eyes "I just love you." He felt his breath stop for a second, his heart beating faster "What?" Logan smiled softly "I love you." When he still couldn't get his mouth to replay something the American shifted, visibly pulling back "Its okay, you don't have to..." But Lando didn't let him finish.

Energetically he toppled the other driver over, onto bed while kissing him furiously "No, please don't take it back. Please." He begged. He knew he begged. Logan had his hands wrapped around his waist, resting against his back pressing him close "I wont. I love you and that won't change even if you don't feel like me right now. I can wait as long as you promise you will be mine." Lanod swallowed hard "I need you to know that I am all yours, as long as we are both happy." He paused "And that I love you too. I love you." The kiss that followed was soft, embossed by the tender moment they shared.

But it didn't last long. The doorbell went off startling both of them.

The night had been planned meticulously, every detail crafted to perfection. But beyond the hors d'oeuvres, the music playlist, and the guest list, there was one element that stood out-a moment that would change everything.

As the first guests began to arrive, Lando and Logan moved through the room, greeting friends and teammates with genuine smiles. The energy was infectious, the laughter and chatter blending with the soft beats of the music. George Russell, Charles Leclerc, and several other familiar faces filled the space, their camaraderie evident.

"Lando, this place is amazing!" Charles exclaimed, looking around appreciatively. "You guys really know how to throw a party."

"Thanks, Charles," Lando replied, feeling a rush of pride. "We're glad you could make it."

As the night progressed, the atmosphere grew more vibrant. Conversations flowed freely, and the clinking of glasses created a symphony of celebration. Logan found himself in a deep discussion with George about the latest race, while Lando entertained a small group with anecdotes from their travels. They had spend the hole night not talking, since both were pulled away by someone as soon as they got close to the other.

Logan had enough, this was the night they could finally be freely together around their loved ones and he wasn't close to his loved one for a second. He walked over to the small group firmly interrupting their conversation "Lando, can I borrow you for a moment?" Logan's voice broke through the crowd, drawing Lando's attention. "Of course," Lando replied, excusing himself and joining Logan near the balcony. The cool evening air was a welcome relief from the warmth of the party inside.

Lando took a deep breath, feeling the encouraging energy from everyone around him. He turned to Logan, who was smiling nervously, and their eyes locked. The moment stretched, filled with a mixture of apprehension and excitement. Logan knew this was it. The moment he waited for the hole time. Surprised he noticed that there was no fear only anticipation. He loved Lando and this was him to show that.

"Here goes nothing," Lando whispered, more to himself than to anyone else. He leaned in slowly, his heart pounding in his chest.

Logan met him halfway, and their lips brushed softly at first. The kiss was tentative, almost shy, but as the cheers and claps grew louder, they both relaxed into it. The brief moment of uncertainty melted away, replaced by a warmth that spread through both of them. They pulled back, slightly breathless, and found themselves grinning at each other.

Their friends erupted Into applause, the sound echoing through the room. As Logan turned around he found all the guests watching them through the open doors. They all had fond smiled on their faces, clapping happily cheering them on.

"That was awesome!" Alex Albon shouted, giving them a thumbs up.

"You guys are adorable," Pierre Gasly added, beaming.

Lando and Logan exchanged a glance, their cheeks still flushed. It was a simple playful kiss, but it had felt like so much more. In that brief moment, surrounded by their friends' supportive cheers, something clicked into place.

"Alright, who's next?" Logan said, trying to divert the attention away from himself and Lando, though he couldn't stop the smile spreading across his face. The Britton laughed out, wrapping an arm around him "Oh love" just that made more butterfly's erupt in Logan stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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