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Lando pulled away also looking at Max "Yes? " the World champion chuckled "someone got jealous." Logan tried badly not to smile, preferably snaked an arm around Landos body, pulling him closer. He started pressing slow kisses onto the Britons neck, distracting the other. That made Max laugh more "and someone is enjoying this a bit too much" Lando rolled his eyes "Oh please, I don't need to get jealous. He is mine and I securely aware of that."

One of Landos friends cleared his throat "So...?" the Briton huffed "Scott I am busy." The addressed nodded "I see that, but I am nosy. Who is your little friend?" Logan stopped kissing his way up to Landos ear. He looked at his boyfriend waiting for the older to answer the question, instead his boyfriend kissed him hard and all consuming. When he pulled away again a blush colored both their faces "That's my handsome Boyfriend, Logan." The man named Scott smiled warmly "welcome at the middle of the world's chaos." The American smiled back "thank you, I love it here." He felt giddy, this was there first time openly appearing as a couple. His first time openly kissing a guy. It felt like the start of a race, or crossing a finish line. Adrenalin pumping but a happy buzzing lingering right under it. 

The rest of the evening was spend with Lando in his lap, kissing, cuddling, vibing and celebrating the McLaren driver. But the night had to end at some point. At least for Logan. So he pushed the shorter one of his lap "Lando I need to get back to my Hotel, I need to pack." The brunette whined "But you promised to celebrate with me. " the American caressed his cheek "And I did but now I need to leave my love." The brunette thought about it, looked around and stood up "I am coming with you." Logan shook his head "You don't need to, you should celebrate this. You worked so hard for it." But the other grabbed his hand "And I will do it again. Hopefully. So let me be with you." The blonde could never say no to Lando, so the couple said their goodbyes to the man around.

They stopped at Logans Hotelroom, only to get his stuff, actually getting in bed in Landos room. But the McLaren driver had something on his mind. As soon as Logan had put down his back he pulled the American on the bed, again getting into his lap. His fingers opening button after button of the white dress shirt. Logan huffed out a slight laugh "Lando?" But the older driver didn't stop "Yes, love?" the taller man smiled down at him "we talked about this. No undressing me before one of us has to leave in the morning. I will have to leave you early and that's hard already, but leaving you all alone after sex just makes me fell bad. And you too. You will wake up all alone, apart from that we need some sleep." The McLaren pilot groaned "But I really really want to." A small pout expression appeared in his face.

Logan promptly kissed his boyfriend deeply "I know, I can feel it and when we have time we can do everything we want, but we talked about this. And your at best tipsy so its just not the right time, honey." At that Lando kissed him again "fine, but we cuddle" he got up from the others lap. The blonde nodded "of course Baby. " so they got ready for Bed, like the whole week already, before Lando pulled Logan on top of himself, hands in the blond strands of hair, already half asleep.

The next morning was hard as always. Logan hated it when he needed to leave the other early. Carefully he untangled himself so he could take a quick shower. As a last thing he pressed a soft kiss onto Landos hair, wrote a short note for his boyfriend and set it down in the space he had occupied through the night.

The plane ride back to Europe was long. Logan instantly missed his family and friends. When he visited Miami for the race he got spend some time with them, staying in his childhood bedroom for a few days before Lando arrived. It even got worse because even though they had a free week and weekend ahead the couple didn't get a chance to see each other in real life. The first time for that was before the Monaco GP. Previous his arrival Logan had talked to Lando about his stay, the younger insisted that he stayed with him. Just like the last time Oscar would be staying there too. The Aussie had arrived right with Lando days before the American. 

It was a happy reunion. The place where it all stared, the way it all started. The youngest amongst them was also happy to get some time with both of his friends, but already made sure he at least stayed two nights with Charles so the couple got some time for themselves too, he didn't want to be a cockblock. 

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