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first name →  dominique               (dom-in-eek)

last name →  gaida                            (guy-da)

nickname → dom, dommy, ect.

birthday →     december 31 - capricorn

height →   5'9 

s/c → tan

appearance →

hair colour - dyed, a deep, dark red. looks somewhat black, but shines red in the sun. has slightly lighter red highlights all throughout hair - ontop and underneath. her hair ends at her waist and is slightly wavy. natural hair colour is a dirty blond - you can see this only slightly at her roots. 

eye colour - dom possesses a rare genetic disease called 'heterochromia', where her eyes are two different colours. her right eye is a dark red, somewhat matching her hair. her other eye is a lighter red, which somewhat resembles the lighter streaks in her hair. both eyes have small speckles of gold and darker reds throughout.

scars →

-has a thin, long scar which runs through her left eyebrow and over her eye and eyelid. stops mid-way through her cheekbone

-many, small, long, or thick scars across her back, waist, and generally all over her body. these are only slightly lighter than her skin tone, only making then somewhat noticeable. 

-has lighter and more prominent scars over her hands and up her arms.  

tattoos →

-tracing of her spinal cord in red ink. stops at her tailbone.

-two red star outlines over her right wrist 

-a bar-code in red ink on the back of her neck  

extras →

-has relatively sharp canines (like vampire teeth) 

-has many, many ear piercings in silver 

-tongue piercing with a red ball



yes, most of this is unnecessary apart from her basic appearance but i thought why not? looks epic. 

anyway, this is new because i like skl bus graveyard and im tired of seeing these shitty written female inserts who literally dont do anything and just stand back and let everyone else do the work - so our little dom is going to be a bit headstrong 

also! yes this is an oc - but i dont care if you guys imagine yourself as dom - i might post an alternate version with (Y/N) instead of dom but thats alot of work and its hard to write around features and appearances that i dont know so emphasis on MAYBE oops 

dom is going to be written with a pretty broken (but not cringy) sense of humor so keep that in mind.

ALSO! im going to be cramming a couple chapters of sbg into one chapter of this book (so basically the chapters will be longer) to save you guys having to watch ads because that so fucking annoying SO DONT BE UNNERVED IF IT SEEMS LIKE THERES NOT MANY CHAPTERS 

enjoy - this will probs be the only A/N because i also hate it when authors make A/NS their whole book. like theres more A/NS then writing dawg  




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