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(I lied about the notes sue me idc ❤️

this isn't related to the story so feel free to skip this monologue <3)

never in my wildest dreams would I ever think that this fic would reach 10K

it has seriously shocked me to my core that that many people want to read what I've written so far. it means the world.

thank you all so, so, so, so, so much from the bottom of my heart. the fact that so many of you have stuck around this far seriously makes my head spin.

I get so giddy whenever I get a notif that someone's commented or voted on one of my chapters, It's like a little kid in a candy shop tbh.

I know this sounds like every other unethical authors thank you written by a team; but each of these chapters come from me, myself, and I. I seriously do mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I would like to give a special thank you to some very special people that really do brighten my day with every comment they make:


you guys really mean a lot to me. you're constantly checking up under my posts, commenting the funniest shit I've ever seen, or just supporting me generally. you guys mean the world to me and my writing this far. i'm always so, so happy to see your guys' cries under my posts or your vote notifs coming up on my phone.

and if you're not on this list, I promise I see you too. I go through and try to respond to each and every comment under my chapters because I really do appreciate it. I promise you. you're all honestly amazing.

these people have been commenting and voting on my fic since the very first chapter or almost on the day it came out, that is why I feel the need to thank them especially for everything they've done so far.

I know that 10k may not seem like a big number to some, but it genuinely does to me. I cannot express my gratitude enough.


please always feel free to reach out to me whenever you need. my dms are open to absolutely anyone unless you're like over 30 or something)

I genuinely care about each and every one of you, even if I don't know you personally.

If you need a shoulder to vent on, a little bit of support, advice, or even just want to chat, I'm always here. please remember that you are all loved and cared for by those around you.

additionally! as a special for reaching such a milestone, I'm deciding tossing up on a special little lemon for you all. however, I do recognise the characters in this series are minors, so I'm still not 100% sure I'd be comfortable with doing something like that yet. but we will see!

again, thank you all so, so, so much for everything.


thank you.


𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒, ꜱʙɢWhere stories live. Discover now