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With stilled bodies and goosebumps rising over their arms, the group scattered around the car turned the bodies ever so slowly, their gazes widening in horror at the sight laid out in the road behind them.

Mounds of flesh stacked against each other, sloppily joined with shadowy appendages and unnatural veins bulging all over its form. Bloodied, spider-like legs tore from its form, piercing the floor of the road with a wide, baring teeth and ebony eyes.

Dominique paled slightly, a breath escaping her lungs. There was a tug at the back of her mind, her eyes flashing white and shadows furling around her arms.


They vanished, a piercing thob at the back of her head bought her back to reality. She blinked, her gaze flashing around the bus to take in its inhabitants. She looked wide eyed Taylor, who was clutching Dom's arm as tears gathered in her eyes.

'What...-' She thought at the back of her mind, shaking her head. She snapped her gaze to Ashlyn, whose hand snapped the wheel to the left, narrowly avoiding an appendage almost slamming into the roof of a jeep.

'Is that?'

"There's no way out lights can do any damage to that thing!" Tyler yelled, his eyes flitting back and fourth between Ashlyn and the creature tailing the jeep.

"Should I try shooting it?!" Logan shouted back, his shaking arms lifting the rifle out the back window of the bus, aiming his shot toward the screaming creature.

"No!" Dominique shouted, her arms reaching over her seat and pushing the rifle down gently, her eyes finding Logan's as he looked at her, confusion and fear swimming in his gaze.

"That won't do any damage to it right now, it's connected with other phantoms around the area, and we can't attract more for it to absorb." Dom explained, leaning back again and closing her bloodshot eyes. Logan nodded, setting the rifle down to the floor and staring into Dom's eyes with terror. Everyone sent Dom a look in the jeep, confused with her knowledge on the creature but dropping the thought from their heads as they all slid in their seats.

"What the fuck?!" Ashlyn shouted, enamoured at the sight of huge rock pillars formatting the suddenly dusty ground around them.

"Use a wide turn around them and get back toward the graveyard road!" Dom ordered, Ashlyn nodding and gritting her teeth, swinging the wheel around and narrowly dodging the terra platforms.

The group shouted as one of the creatures appendages slammed down beside the Jeep's doors, missing the car by a hair and clipping Tyler's side of the door as Ashlyn jumped in her seat.

The car swerved back into the forest, the group knocking heads as Dominique gritted her teeth, another force barreling it way through her head.

She was alerted to a click beside her, Tyler's arm slamming down accidentally on the latch of the door next to him as a breeze washed its way through the car.

Time seemed to slow as Tyler's wide, terrified eyes made contact with Dom's, his hair rushing about his head as his back left the interior of the car.


Dom felt her world slow

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒, ꜱʙɢWhere stories live. Discover now