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"Is he being bullied..?" Ashlyn whispered, her hand gazing over her mouth as shared at the two with wide eyes.

"It's him again." Taylor whispered, taking a glance at Dominique, knowing her history with the guy. Taking the hint, everyone quickly turned to Dom who had her fists clenched.

Her jaw was tense and her hands were dipping with light prints of blood as she dug her nails in her palm. Her eye twitched, as she took a step closer to Logan and baron at the end of the hallway.

Aiden looked behind him, only to see Ben in a similar stance, a livid look crossing his face. Aiden quickly blocked Ben's view of the scene, before dragging Ben away, taking a Quick Look back at Dominique, hoping the others could handle her.

Tyler put his hand on Dom's shoulder, trying to look her in the eye.

"I'll handle it-" But he was when his hand was coldly brushed off Dom's shoulder by her own. She didn't make eye contact with the three with her, only took pure, rage-filled stomps toward Logan.

Barrom was alerted to the sound of footsteps coming his way, and when he looked away from Logan, he was greeted by the sight of a very pissed off Dominique.

Panicking and knowing how this was going to play out, he quickly raised a fist, going to punch her in the side of her head. But Dom, simply just raised her forearm, blocking the punch and with wide, insane eyes, sent him crashing into the locker behind him.

As he parted his lips to speak, he was interrupted when Dominique's fist made contact with the locker beside his head, the fury behind her punch leaving a noticeable dent in the metal.

"If I ever catch you trying anything with Logan again-" she started, leaning her head forward against his ear and whispering lightly.

"I will fucking kill you." She ended, pushing him away and sending him tumbling to the floor. As he stared up at her, he could swear he saw her with a glowing, soulless grin and shadows furling by her fists.

He quickly scampered to his feet, running down the hall with terrified eyes.

As Logan looked bedside him, he could see ashy shadows swirl around where Dominique's fist had made contact with the locker.

"W- what..?" He whispered shakily to himself, blinking. As he did, the shadows left the locker, curling around Dominique's fists, disappearing as she unclenched them.

She quickly got a handle on herself, letting out a deep breath as she let go of her fists, grimacing a little as she saw a speckle on blood drip to the floor.

"Dom!" Tyler shouted, making his way down the hall with Ashlyn and Taylor right on his heels.

Dominique turned to a shaking, wide-eyed Logan as she quickly scooped him into a hug, making sure to face her palm away from him.

"Are you okay?" She whispered to him, pulling him tighter as he nodded against her, curling his arms around her waist and pulling her in tighter.

She smiled lightly, letting go of him. But, the smile quickly left her face as she took im the sight of the bruise of his cheek.

'I wasn't fast enough' she reprimanded herself, furrowing her brows as she cupped Logan's chin with one hand, rubbing her thumb over the bruise gently.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, Logan." Dominique sighed. Logan just shook his head, placing his palm over her hand on his face and leaning into her touch.

"Don't say that." He disagreed, opening his eyes and looking at her with a soft smile.

"Thank you."

As the other three finally made their way down the hall, Tyler started to talk to Logan with a disapproving tone.

"You face phantoms every night and yet you're scared of him?" He questioned, glancing down at a timid Logan with a condescending raise of his brow.

"Quit it." Dom spoke up from beside Logan, who was leaning into her lightly.

"Now's not the time." She finished, her tone leaving no room for argument as Tyler just sighed out.

Taylor came up on Logan's other side, sending him a smile and placing her hand against his shoulder for comfort.

"What was that about?" She questioned lightly, reassuring him that if he didn't want to answer, he didn't have to.

He let go of Dom, standing up a little more but still touching Dom's side with his.

"I forgot to do his side of the science project we're in together." He stuttered out, his hand rubbing over the bruise of his cheek. Dom's jaw clenched, her shadow darkening a little.

"How are you supposed to survive the night if you can't stand up for yourself against Barron? You cant afford to be soft right now." Tyler spoke, his arms crossed over his front. Dominique sighed out, knowing he was right. She sent Tyler a glare, as if to tell him to cut Logan some slack.

"I agree." Ashlyn spoke up from in front of the small group. Dominique looked back to her from her eye-contact with Tyler.

"Though his way of saying it was uncalled for, Logan need some strength training. We all do." She spoke, taking a quick glance to sizeable dent in the lockers beside Dominique, who just raised a brow.

"Maybe not all of us..." she uttered under her breath before clearing her throat and looking back to the group.

"That's why I was going to ask my parents to teach us some self defence." Ash continued, stuffing her palms into her pockets.

"What are you going to tell them if they ask you why?" Tyler questioned lightly, looking to Ash as he raised his finger, pointing to his head. "Aren't you scared of them sending you to an asylum?"

"We'll say that Logan's getting bullied and that he wanted to learn how to defend himself. and we're coming along and learning, too, for support." Ash summarised, rolling her eyes at Tyler. Everyone nodded.

"Hey, where's the big guy and the other psycho?" Tyler asked, glancing to Dominique who stuck her tongue out at him and at his jab at her being a psycho, too.

"Oh- Ben started acting up so he and Aiden went on a walk."

Dominique looked toward Aiden and Ben's empty seats in the classroom with concerned eyes before her phone pinged.

clown ass mf

Sorry, guys! We'll see you at lunch! :D

Dom just started at her phone in confusion, before rolling her eyes, placing her head in her arms and proceeding to fall asleep for the rest of the class.

"Please, turn in your assignments on your way out!"

As Dominique passed his table, the teacher noticed Dom's shadow on the floor. But she didn't look like herself.

On the head of her shadow, there was a wide, soulless smile and two, pure white eyes that stared back at him.

His hand halted on reaching toward her paper as he glanced at his desk where her shadow lay with a pale face.

"Mr. Thomas?"

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