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dominique knocked softly on aiden's front door, panting softly from the heat. she knew he was inside, she could see ben and him fooling around in his room from the outside teh window on the street.

she smiled at the two. 

she rocked back and fourth on her heels, silently waiting on aiden or ben to open the door for her. she felt it would be rude to barge in, even if they both knew she was coming. 

so imagine dominique's surprise when a woman opened the door with wide eyes.

dominique just looked at the woman in slight shock and embarrassment, breaking eye-contact with her and staring at her feet, suddenly finding the pattern of the wood of aiden's porch quite interesting. 

"and who might you be, dear?" the woman smiled with kind eyes, subtly waving her hands in dominque's field of vision as to ask her to look back up. as dominque did, her eyes met a woman's with brown, wavy hair and eyes to match. they had slight bags under them and they were crinkled slightly to accommodate her welcoming smile.  

"im dominque, a friend of aiden and ben's. im so sorry! i thought they would've asked you if would be okay if i came over. i can come back later if now isn't an okay time-!" dominque's anxious rant was cut of as the woman laid a palm on dominique's shoulder, her smile growing softer as she stared into dominque's multicolored eyes. 

"nonsense, dear. a friend of aiden's is a child of mine. what type of mother would i be if a left you out here by yourself?" she replied, shaking her head fondly as her eyes softened a bit at dominique's obvious nervousness. she stepped back, making enough room so that dominique could step through comfortably and gesturing her inside. 

dominique let out a relived sigh, walking inside and leaning down to take her shoes off at the door. as she stood back up, aiden's mother made her way back inside from the door, closing it and locking it behind her. she called for someone, leaving dominique behind as she herself took in the sheer size of the house. 

it wasn't the first time she had been here, but before, she was preoccupied with her bleeding that she didnt have time to take in the true beauty of the home. ben also hadn't really given her much time to take it in; instead, rushing dominique to aiden and himself's room upstairs to take care of her no matter how many times she had insisted she was okay.   

dominique smiled fondly at the thought, reminiscing. 

"dominique, darling, this is aiden's father, jack. im lydia. i just realized it had slipped my mind to introduce myself at the door." lydia smiled, gesturing to the male who had been occupying the kitchen, presumably making an afternoon cup of coffee. he turned around at the mention of his name, raising an eyebrow as he spotted dominique walking into the kitchen, waving at him with a polite smile on her face. 

"jack, this is dominique, a friend of aiden and benny's!" lydia introduced, stepping back so that dominique and jack could formally meet. 

dominique made her way over to jack, crossing around the table in the center of the kitchen with a polite smile on her face as she raised her hand for him to shake. he smiled warmly at the gesture, returning it compellingly. 

"i must say, dominique, your eyes are quite unique." he said, letting go of her hand. he looked  to his wife as she had made a noise of agreement. dominique stood a bit shocked, having not expecting that to be the first thing to come out of his mouth when talking to her. alas, she smiled at the compliment, shaking her head back and forth bashfully. 

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