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dominique had left the two boys house yesterday at around 5pm. she had earned a bit of a verbal berating from her father, but he hadn't done anything physical seeing the stitched and glued cuts on her back.  

as she slept that night, she felt a strange tug at the back of her head.

it wasn't physical, she was sure. but as she slept, she had dreamed that she was walking around the upper floor of what looked to be a hostel. as she looked over the railing, she noticed the streets were bare, and that the night was painted red.

but what confused her most was the fact that she was controlling what she was going.

dom raised her hands up to her face, looking at them with a somewhat distraught expression as she rotated her palms, clenching them into fists. as she looked down the hallway.

her headache still tugged at the back of her mind, and not only was it still annoying the shit out of her, it hurt like hell.

but then, it stopped.

her mind had cleared up and there was no more ringing in her ears. her head had stopped pounding in the back of her skull and she let out a sigh of relief at the subsiding pain. 

but that had just left her more confused. if this was a dream, how could she feel pain?

as she sighed out, pinching the bridge of her nose and screwing her eyes shut in slight annoyance, there was a sharp, single tug at the back of her mind. 

the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, another tug at the back of her mind. she stood up straight, her eyes snapping open as she tensed. a gust of mind blew behind her, the wood underneath her groaning at the added pressure of the presence behind her. 

she quickly turned around, her eyes narrowed and muscles tense. 

her eyes found white, soulless ones as something grinned down at her. 

frozen, she took a shaky step back, the only thing to describe what was in front of her as something out of her deepest, darkest nightmares.

seven, maybe eight feet of shadowy-like bonds and twine-like limbs formed the creature that stood across from her. its eyes were wide and lifeless, made from pure white nothingness and crinkled to accommodate the awful-looking grin that it had sewn on its face. 

dom's eyes widened in horror. as she stepped back to run, it lunged at her, its clawed, inky hand coming down and striking her across her abdomen. 


dominique awoke with a start, a quiet yelp leaving her lips and she sat up in her bed. this was the first time in a while dom had acquired a nightmare, but she had never had an experience like that. in all her dreams, if she had them, she always seemed to watch from a third person perspective, seeming to be recounting events from her day or week from an outside perspective.

but this felt so different. 

this felt real

she could control what she was doing, how she moved, reacted, even breathed. she could even feel the panic rising in her chest at the sight of whatever that thing was. 

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒, ꜱʙɢWhere stories live. Discover now