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the bus had pulled up to the school a while ago, the small group that had accumulated was dominique, ben, aiden and ashlyn. 

they were the last ones off the bus. probably because aiden refused to let dominique get up untill he was finished with her braids. and in turn, ashlyn and ben couldn't get out due to the duo in the aisle seats. 

as they hopped off the bus, dominique slipped her headphones off of her head, securing them around her neck as she watched aiden ramble to ashlyn, who was clearly uninterested. she smiled at the two. 

ashlyn was a sweet girl, dom knew that. she just needed a little encouragement to find her own circle. obviously dom wasn't going to push her to do anything she didnt want to, nor would she ever pressure her to  talk to anyone she didnt want to either - it was obvious even the thought of socialising distressed ash greatly.

she looked over to ben, who also smiling softly at the two. she tapped him lightly on the side, gesturing to themselves and then the two in front of them. he nodded, moving to catch up with them. dom sped up her walk, too, landing on the other side of ashlyn. 

she gave ash a small smile, her eyes asking if she was okay with what was happening around her. ashlyn only sweatdropped, her eyes glancing over to aiden who had now turned to ben, yapping to him about something. dom giggled lightly. 

as the quad made their way through the hallways, aiden was cut off from his rant as ben tugged on the back of his shirt, pointing at the door to the office. dom had kinda forgotten they were new- she talked to the two like she had known them forever. But in reality, the trio had only known each other a day. 

as aiden spoke up after looking away from the office door, he was stunned to see the spot where ashlyn was standing completely empty. he raised a brow toward dom, silently asking where she had disappeared too. 

dom just smiled lightly, jabbing her finger behind her where aiden and ben both saw the outline of two, long, ginger plaits disappear. aiden chuckled, a smile on his face as he turned back to dom. 

dom looked at the two, gesturing infront of her again before speaking.

"listen, i gotta head to class." she spoke, her voice somewhat disappointed as she thought of leaving the two. she turned her back to the two, a soft smile resting on her features as she waved to them from over her shoulder, walking in the direction of her homeroom. 

"see you there, hopefully!" she shouted back to them, making a 'fingers crossed' sign with her hands as she disappeared behind a corner.

she turned a corner, humming a tune to herself, she was alerted to the sound of shouting and a crown gathered around in a hallway she had to turn down. there were two tan kids, a boy and a girl with matching features. the boy was shouting as another boy, whom she didn't recognize, who hoisted the brown haired boy over his shoulder. 

as said boy started screaming profanities at him, he took his shoe off, and in a fit of rage, pelted it at the other boy's head. thankfully, he ducked, but the shoe was now heading for someone else. 

a certian redhead who's face was stuck in her phone, her earbuds drowning out the screams from the huddle to watch out. 

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