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Tyler whispered out shakily, eyeing Dominique's calm form draped over the confines of her metallic crib, her hospital gown wrinkled, and her face aged with fatigue. Dominique looked back over to him, steeling her gaze away from the window next to her and setting her eyes on his lonesome form. Dom smiled, gesturing him over to her bed with a tired pat on its sheets.

Tyler gulped slightly, walking over solemnly with his head cast, his eyes memorising the crevices of the hospital floor with weakened pupils. Tyler set his body down on the bed, laying still as to not disturb the silent peace present in the room with them and as to not invade Dominique's well-fought space. 


Tyler looked toward Dom with confused ridden eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in fatigue as he glanced up toward Dominique's soft smile.

"Don't blame yourself." Dom spoke, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him closer to her form, peppering a softened kiss to his forehead and laying his back down closer to her side.

"I chose to pull you back into the car, and it wasn't your fault you fell out. We can blame it on Ash's shitty driving skills." Dominique joked, the smile coating her features different than the others Tyler had seen exert from her form lately. Tyler heaved a steady laugh, his features twisting with joy for the first time in a while rather then coating in worry.

Tyler pulled himself up, setting himself closer to Dom's confused form, a glint in his eye indistinguishable to Dom's. He set himself down onto her, his eyes raking in Dom's face as he brushed his hands delicately over her temples, watching as she fluttered her eyes shut and let out a content hum, shifting her body to envelop the sheets below her with a pillowy sigh. 

"I missed you."  

Tyler whispered into the air, his breath fanning over Dominique's lips lightly as she peeked one of her orbs open to see his glassy-eyed gaze. Dom smiled, reaching up and brushing her fingertips over his cheekbones, flicking away a stray tear that cascaded down his sullen cheeks.

"I missed you too, Ty." She spoke, bringing his head down into her chest and allowing his to relax into her body, small sniffles accompanying his breaths against her skin as he swallowed the sobs threatening to rake from his form.

As Tyler's breath slowed, he pulled his head up from her body, looking into her gaze and brining himself closer to her again. He placed a hand next to her head, the other reaching for her face once more and swiping against her cheekbone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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