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Taylor had Tyler secured in her grip, his body twisting and turning as everyone looked toward the ajar door with tears in their eyes, unable to process what had just happened.

Dominique was gone.

"GO BACK!! ASHLYN, GO BACK!!" Tyler screamed, thrashing in Taylor's hold, who sobbed into Tyler's back, her body shaking.

Ben and Logan both had tears streaming down their faces, their eyes bouncing from where Dominique's body once was and the ajar door. In a state of shock, Ben bought his hand to his mouth, a small sob wracking from his throat as he desperately tried to calm his breathing and not make any noise.

Aiden was looking forward at the road infront of him, his eyes stuck on the rear view mirror, where his gaze was glued to where Dominique was sitting, a lump forming in his throat as his mind raked over her fall, replaying over and over in his mind hauntingly as his smile dropped in despair.

"We have to get through this first!" Ashlyn ordered, her throat clogged up with sobs and her eyes wide and shaking, her hands tensing over and over against the steering wheel as she desperately tried to get her head on straight, trying not to think the worst of what could've happened to her friend.

The group skidded to one side of their seats, yelling out as one of the two creatures behind them stabbed the road with its darkened talon, the wheels of the jeep losing traction against the pavement and sliding over the road, swinging off the path and rolling down the hill, running into trees and branches as the group ducked.

Ashlyn quickly pulled her shift-stick, slamming on the brakes and yelping, narrowly avoiding a head on collision with a huge tree root infront of the jeep

The airbags blew open, everyone in the car getting hit with their own as they yelled and groaned, the front lights of the jeep flickering out.

Aiden was the first to react, taking the knife Dominique had gotten him many moons ago and stabbing the airbag infront of his face, coughing lightly as he glanced around the car, wiping his bloody nose.

"Everyone okay?" Ashlyn asked, pulling herself away from her airbag and looking toward her friends in concern, her eyes hovering over Dominique's empty seat as a tear fell from her eye.

Taylor held onto a slightly crying Tyler, who had his eyes closed and body hunched in Taylor's hold, burying his face in her neck and breathing heavily.

"What have I done?" He babbled incoherently, everyone around car sending him concerned glances, adverting their eyes from where Dominique's body once stood.

Everyone was alerted to a slam in the vicinity, their ears perking at the sound of Ashlyn trying desperately to start the car. Aiden shook his head at her attempts.

Ashlyn realised it was futile, so she slammed a hand against the jeeps steering wheel with a frustrated yell.

After packing up some rations and ditching the jeep, the group took off on foot, searching the area desperately for any signs of Dominique in the woods.

But they came out empty handed.

Tyler was silent, the occasional tear slipping past him or his sisters eyes as they kept their eyes down cast.

Logan and Ben stuck toward the back of the group, taking comfort in eacothers presence and trying to advert their minds from the tragic fate Dom had suffered.

Aiden seemed to try and distract himself by picturing scenarios with Dominique at the fore front of his mind, thinking back over their memories together. He was at the front of the group, cutting away leaves and branches with his blade, hopeful of catching a glimpse of Dominique's body.

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