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Dominique and the group were gearing up in the main bus with headlights, torches, walkie talkies, and anything else they deemed necessary for their expedition to Ashlyn's jeep.

But, there was something bothering the group.

Dominique was quiet, her body was trembling slightly and there were small, tendril-like shadows circling around her figure. She sat farther away from the group than usual, and the group got a clear look at her shadow behind her.

Two, round, glowing eyes and a sharp, deadly grin.

Dominique herself had a more neutral look over her face, but it didn't stop the teeth on each end of her staff from illuminating brightly against the back of the bus.

The group was unnerved at her new nature- and they were getting worried whether or not Dominique was in the right headspace to pull off the heist for the jeep; especially because she would have little-to-no backup while she was clearing out the phantoms.

The presence that Dominique carried in the bus didn't seem like her own.

But maybe she was just nervous?

Yeah, right.

Dominique's gaze tilted upwards at the sound of Ashlyn's shoes scuffing against the floor. She sent her a lazy glance as she cleared her throat. Ash sent Dominique a glance and Dom just gestured for her to speak with an impatient look over her face. The group had turned around from preparing at the sound of Ash's acknowledgment, and they waited patiently for what she had to say.

"I just wanted to-," she paused, wringing her hands out from behind her back and letting out a deep breath, uncomfortable at the attention on her figure.

"-apologise.. for snapping at your earlier."

"It's okay! We all have our moments, Ash!" Taylor replied cheerfully, as Ashlyn deadpanned at her unbothered attitude.

"Yeah! Tyler has his every day!" Aiden added on, getting a short chuckle from Dominique as she shuffled to her feet as Ty turned to Aiden angrily, an irk appearing over his forehead.

"What did you just say?!" Tyler screamed, angrily reaching for Aiden in an attempt to beat him to a pulp. But Aiden was smart, running towards Dominique's seat and hiding behind her comfortable figure.

Tyler marched up to Dom's seat, an enraged look over his face. But as he gazed down to an unbothered Dominique, he faltered. Dom raised an eyebrow at him, looking him up and down as if to question his next move.

But, he quickly put his hands up in defeat, tsking and walking backwards towards their weapon rack, choosing peace against Dom and cutting his losses.

As Aiden sat down next to Dominique, he could swear the static in the air raised. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he took notice of the shadows circling Dom's figure. She had a more focused look resting on her face.

"Hey, uh- you've got a little situation." Aiden whispered into Dom's ear. She replied with a smirk, reaching forward and murmuring into his ear in response.

"I know, pretty boy." Aiden flushed lightly, his smile becoming slightly more rigid as he looked back toward Dominique, who had pretended like nothing had happened.

"Alright, everyone! Let's do this!"

"Get down, Aiden!" Ashlyn reprimanded, pulling down a sparkly eyed Aiden as he gazed at the phantoms with a gleeful smile.

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