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 frozen in horror, ashlyn and dominique both stared down the creature in shock. dom was the first to react. as the creature raised a claw to take a swipe at ashlyn's arm, dominique pushed her out of the way, making her stumble toward the group. 

"DOM!" ash yelled, falling to the floor next to aiden's feet as she looked back, her gaze shifting rapidly from dom's eyes to the figure behind her. her ears twitched at the sound of freakish screaming illuminating from the creature. 

the figure looked down at dominique, its grin growing in size. it grabbed her arm, harshly and dominique could swear the world around her shifted colours. her mind as it grew fuzzy with panic. as her eyes blew wide in horror. she ripped her arm away, yelping as she heard her flesh tear and a stabbing sensation run up her arm. 

she fell to the floor, her world shifting back again as she shook her head, grasping at her arm as she groaned, her face twisting into a grimace. the first to break from the group was ash, running back toward where dom had her eyes squeezed shut, her hand grasping her limp arm with a panicked look on her face.

"dom? dom? hey, look at me." ashlyn stuttered, trying but failing to get doms attention. her head felt fuzzy and her mind was in a frenzy. the scream that creature created shook dom's bones to her very core. 

the other's in the group broke out of their shock, their attention turning to where ashlyn and dominique were huddled on the floor. dom's breaths were coming out rushed and stutter-y as she tried to process the situation that had just occurred.

"guys! help, what do i do?!" ashlyn panicked, her eyes dancing around dominique's hunched figure as she gasped for air. ben broke from the group next, his eyes raking in dom's panicked form. he crouched down next to her, circling his arms around her waist and bringing her into a hug.

ben's jaw clenched. he didn't like seeing dom like this. 

aiden came over, placing a hand on dom's head as he rubbed soothing circles on her hair, trying to calm her down. 

"hey, dom? just follow my breathing, okay?" aiden spoke softly. dom finally opened her eyes, her pupils dancing over aiden's form as he breathed in and out heavily, demonstrating his breathing to dominique as she followed to the best of her ability. 

ashlyn's hand stayed on dom's arm as she traced comforting circles into her skin. looking back and fourth between ben, her, and aiden in concern. 

dominique had finally calmed down. after about five minuets of aiden, ben and ash getting her out of her trance, they had all rushed from the house in a flurry. 

as they walked down the road, the group was stuck in silence. dominique just stared down at the path in front of her, trying to avoid eye-contact with the others as they awkwardly walked.

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