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dom and the rest of the group hurled towards the back of the bus. dom had vaulted over the lounge, catching her leg on a piece of junk metal sticking out from the seat. she grimaced, quickly looking down and seeing a slash along her leg. it had ripped through the cargo's she was wearing. she let out a huff off annoyance, and focused on getting to the back of the bus with the rest of the group.

as she hauled over the last seat, the phantom had just managed to fit through the small entry-way of the bus, slowly but surely making its way over to the group huddled at the back. 

"we cant get the back door open!" ashlyn shouted in panic, her hands fumbling with the back door latch as the phantom made it's way closer toward the group. 

"what are we going to do!" logan cried, his face streaming with tears as he raised his arms up to block his eyes. 

"die?" aiden spoke, with a shit-eating grin on his face. dom stood next to him, a small smile on her face that he could make situations like this funny. but as the reality dawned on her, her face turned serious. logan wailed louder at aiden's words, so dom reached over and elbowed him in the ribs with a huff. 

aiden looked at her and she raised a finger to her lips and gestured for him to 'shut the fuck up' with a pleading look in her eyes as she glanced back over at logan who seemed to be hyperventilating. aiden grinned again, his hand coming up to silence his giggles as he clamped his palm over his mouth. 

taylor let out a yelp, and as the shadowed hand of the phantom reached out, dom stepped up infront of the group, just now remembering the staff she had tucked in her belt loop. as her hand reached down, she was startled by the noise of logan's watch beeping, causing her to loose her focus.

as she looked back up, she saw the phantom's clawed hand swipe down.

dom woke up with a start, tensing as she sat up in her bed. she was immediately alerted to a stabbing sensation in her leg as she groaned, flexing her calf as it protested in pain. 

her phone began pinging from beside her and she let out another half-assed groan in response, thumping back down in her bed and reaching over, grabbing a pillow and covering her ears as she closed her eyes, trying to ignore the pinging and vibrating from her phone.

"shut that fucking phone up, dominique!" her father yelled from downstairs. her eyes widened in panic, reaching over and grabbing her phone from her nightstand, fumbling with it in her hands as she switched it to silent. 

"fuck" she panted, running a shaky hand through her hair as she dropped her phone in her lap. she closed her eyes and rested her hands in her hair, taking a deep breath in and releasing it with a heavy sigh. 

she opened her eyes and  groaned loudly, running both her palms down her face and letting out a burdened sigh. 

she reached down, grabbing her phone out of her lap and holding it up to her face to unlock it. her phone vibrated and denied her access. invalid face it read in bold letters as it locked and turned off. 

"are you fucking serious" dom whispered in disbelief. "i know i look like a garbage fire in the mornings but thats just insulting." she scoffed, letting her phone drop in her lap as she rolled out of bed, deciding that she'd respond to whatever notifications they were later.

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