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The group sat on top of the graveyard walls; their bodies clad in black, missionary-style suits. Dominique had her hair tied back into a plait and a focused expression on her face. The lights for the graveyard had arrived about a week ago and they had stashed them underneath the busses to hide them from prying eyes while they decided on their places over the walls.

Dominique's suit clung to her skin in a comfortable fashion. When Aiden had asked for her measurements randomly at the cafeteria table Infront of the group, she blushed and looked away, not wanting to answer the question. The suit was slightly tighter around her chest then it should've been, but she didn't care - Aiden had done a pretty good job at eyeballing her measurements, which made her mind wonder about how he managed to get them so accurate. But she shrugged it off in the end.

She kept tugging at the fabric around her chest, trying to loosen it to fit her more comfortably. She rolled her eyes before looking at Aiden, a playful, lazy smirk on her face as she taunted him.

"Geez, dude. Couldn't have given me a bit more room to work with?" She remarked, pulling at the fabric wrapping around her upper body with a grin. Aiden quickly looked away, blushing at her suggestive remark and flipping her off over her shoulder. Dominique laughed lightly, slapping Taylor's thigh beside her and throwing her head back at his reaction.

The group had been taking a while to put the lights up around the walls, switching between putting them in the best places over the walls and charging them back at Aiden's place. They had discovered that their battery could transfer between the dimensions, which they were all incredibly grateful for.

But Dominique's smile soon dropped as she spotted the phantoms straying away from the light plastered around the walls. It unsettled her greatly that they were adapting to their defences quicker then she had thought they would. The worst part was the light didn't even kill them, it just caused them to sizzle horribly and alter the forms they seemed to be taking.

And even better, the amount of light the graveyard was producing now had turned their hideout into a beacon for the phantoms to know exactly where they were. It was annoying; and Dominique had no doubts that the numbers around the graveyard's walls were only going to increase.

"Are we going to be able to deal with that?" Taylor inquired, her voice quivering lightly as her eyes raked over the amount of phantoms waiting for their next moves. Dominique pulled her close by her shoulder, shielding Taylor's eyes away from the sight as she quivered lightly. Dominique looked down at the girl with sympathy, knowing that she would never want to kill any of them- for the guilt would eat her alive. Thankfully, Dominique didn't have that problem anymore.

"Most of them will be distracted by the traps set up and we'll have Dominique clear any stragglers so we can run for it." Ashlyn piped back to her, her eyes resting on Dominique's form as she sent her an affirming smile.

The group knew that Dominique was the most capable of defeating the most phantoms then the rest of them. They knew that with the plan they had developed, not all the phantoms would fall for their decoy. So, it was decided that Dominique would charge first, eliminating any straggling phantoms so that the rest of the group could get to the jeep as quickly as possible. They would have Logan covering for them too from atop one of the busses in the graveyard in case anything got out of hand.

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