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'This is the worst headache ever.' Ashlyn groaned in her head, flopping underneath the covers of her bed and sighing, staring at the ceiling.

Her mind kept running back to last night- she couldn't get the feeling of falling out of her head and it was haunting her. She didn't expect for it to hit her so hard , but at the end of the day-

She had almost died.

She blanched at the thought, throwing her hoodie over her head and getting out from under the covers of her sheets, dragging her feet on the floor as she made her way to her bathroom.

"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving now. Love you." Ashlyn announced, her hand furrowing around the handle to their front door as she made her way out onto the porch.

She paused, looking toward the roof of the entrance as she flicked back to what had happened prior the night prior.

She could feel the phantom's hand latch around the back of her neck, she could feel the pain of her head hitting the gutter, she could feel the blood rushing down her temples.

She remembered the view of Dominique's staff peircing the phantom above her, and she couldn't get the image of Dom staring down at the creature with such cruelty out of her head.

She remembered the feeling of the air rushing around her body, and the way her figure jolted when Dominique had caught her by a hair. She thought she had imagined the 'pop' sounding from Dominique's shoulder, but she had strained her body so hard to catch Ash that she injured herself, too.

For fucks sake, Dominique had jumped off that roof right after her, pulling her up with all her strength must've put so much hardship on her body that her shoulder dislocated. She remembered the pain laced on Dom's face when she pulled Ashlyn up to the roof, and she could feel her guilt tugging at her consciousness.

She sighed, tugging her hood over her head a bit harder and looking toward the ground, making her way to the bus parked outside her front driveway.

It hurt Dominique that Ashlyn was straying away from her.

Not once in the whole time she had been in class had Ashlyn tried to talk to her. Furthermore, in the hallway when they were walking to lunch, Ashlyn refused to even meet her eyes, and kept a metre of space between themselves for the duration of the day. Every time Dom had gotten close enough to start up a conversation, Ashlyn just pulled her hood over her head and walked away.

Dominique had thought that she had done something wrong to hurt her. She couldn't think of why she would be avoiding her like this, and it stuck a cord deep within her at the thought that Ashlyn was mad at her again.

Maybe it was because she was still reeling from what had happened the night before; where the mission was almost turned tragic on multiple occasions. But Dominique realised that the night had taken a toll on herself too.

She remembered her heart pumping in her ears, the way she froze when Ashlyn had started to fall off the roof, or the way rage had filled her entire being when she realised she was hopeless in keeping her friends out of harms way in the first place.

That night, she swore that she would do better to keep them safe.

"You two are killing me."

Ashlyn and Dom looked toward Tyler, who stood with a deadpan on his face. Dom dared to take a look over to Ashlyn, who just looked away in (what seemed to be) shame. Dom sighed, scratching her arm lightly in awkwardness and looking back over to Ty.

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