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hey guys 😃

sorry for disappearing of the face of the planet for a couple days 😬

tbh I'm moving into assessment period for where i am rn and posting while studying was pretty exhausting

obvi I'm gonna continue with writing the chapters and stuff because it's literally one of my highlights rn

I'm sorry for leaving the chapters on such a huge cliffhanger I promise that wasn't my intention 🙏

reading all your comments under the chapters is literally such a highlight, I love each and everyone of you so much and I'm so sorry to let you guys down like that I promise I'm juggling everything as fast as I can

this is in no way a discontinuation of this fic, I promise you guys that much even if I don't seem that trustworthy rn 😃

I am just letting you know though that updates might slow slightly, I'm probably gonna post chapters ever like 2-3 days - I'm genuinely so upset with myself for my writing etiquette last chapter cuz I rushed it so hard and packed a bunch of shit into one - and it turned out so messy so I am so so so sorry about that 🙏 I promise future chaps will NOT be like that

but, this way I have more time to actually write decent and longer chapters then shitty ones that may seem half assed

but to those of you who have commented on my chapters and saying that this is one of your fav sbg fics right now my heart genuinely goes out to you. you are so amazing and you genuinely do not know how much it means to me. you all are so, so, so incredibly kind to me and it means the world.

I know that sounds so ingenuine but I swear it comes from the bottom of my heart - I SWEAR ❤️

i was quite literally scrolling though all the comments left on the chapters because I was in a slump and started crying no cap

it's come to my attention that Wattpad has taken away its dm feature, so if you ever need me drop me a message on my convo board and I promise I will be there for any one of you if you ever need to talk <3

and I promise you guys I am genuinely serious about this. you all have given me so much kindness over the start of this fic I don't know how to repay it. by doing this, I'm hoping to give back even slightly to your support.

thank you guys so much <3 remember you are loved and cared for by those around you, even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it, there are always people you can reach out to, no matter how alone you feel

on a completely different topic, a lot of you have been wondering about the smut chapter (I know I've been edging you guys so hard on it but tough ❤️)

but!! one absolute detective has uncovered a bit about my plans with it so if you can find that comment under any of my chapters then do with that information what you will 😋

again, thank you so, so, so much for everything <3 you mean the world to me

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