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before dom could react, aiden had pulled her table out from under her head, sliding it towards his and ben's. taylor had pulled her table towards the small group that had started forming, sliding hers next to dominique and sending her a smile. in turn, tyler had followed, pulling his own over and fitting next to ben. 

now they had five members, only needing two more.

dominique looked up, her eyes finding logan's. he seemed to be getting harassed by a group of boys. one being barron. she knew barron would need a smartie in his group, otherwise he would fail. and who better to pick on then the smartest guy in class? 

barron was a stuck up prick who liked to pick on people smaller than himself. it seemed to dom that that was the only thing he was good at. dom smiled, her eye twitching in annoyance as she stood up, her chair scraping against the ground, alerting the rest of the group of her departure. 

"dom? where are you-" aiden started, getting cut off as she held a finger up to him. she smiled, gesturing over to logan. "give me a minute." she gritted out. 

the group looked over to where dom was marching off, seeing her approach barron and his gang of lackys. plus logan. they all new this would probably end in trouble, but they couldn't help but eavesdrop. 

the teacher had left the classroom a couple minutes ago, rambling about forgetting some handouts. which presented dom with the opportunity to do whatever she wanted for a couple minutes. 

she walked over, her steps catching the attention of the group, logan, and barron. barron looked her up and down, smirking, as he pushed logan harshly by his shoulder, stepping infront of dominique's path to logan.

"dommy!" he greeted, a fake grin plastered on his face as his eyes drank in her appearance hungrily. aiden, ben, ashlyn, and the twins all looked back over, breaking up their conversation. 

"you re-thought my offer? i knew you would. nobody can resist me." he spoke, winking at her with perverted eyes. as he reached out to grab her waist, a loud bang resonated throughout the classroom, silencing everyone as they looked over to the source, shocked.

just before barron could get his grimy hands on dominique, she had spun away form his grasp, kicking the back of his knee in and slamming her hand into the side of his skull and holding it down to a random person's desk. barron yelped, his hands immediately flailing around to try and get out of her grasp. 

logan looked at the two with a slack jaw, his eyes bouncing around the situation as he looked back to the rest of dominique's friends for help. aiden just had an amused smile, tyler had a smirk resting on his lips, taylor was whistling, turning a blind eye to the assault that had just happened. ben looked just as shocked as logan, and ashlyn looked at the two with wide eyes, awoken from her nap of her table at the commotion.

"as if i would ever be your fuck-buddy barron. youre disgusting." she said, loud enough for the students around her to hear, and loud enough to embarrass barron, too. his eyes were wide with shock as she leaned down, her voice whispering in his ear. 

"you wish you were half the man logan is." she spoke, her voice sharp enough to cut glass as she pushed his head roughly, letting go of his scalp and snatching logan's arm, walking him back to her group as she smiled at him, trying to calm his nerves. 

chatter in the class started back up again as everyone decided to collectively ignore what had just happened. 

barron was a huge asshole anyway. 

as the two approached the complete group, aiden let out an immature wolf whistle, laughing. dominique rolled her eyes, grabbing a table from behind her and pulling it over for logan to sit at. 

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