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The group quickly shoved themselves behind the seats of the schoolbus, breathing quietly with alarmed looks on their faces.

"Are they still there?" Ty asked, his voice low and hushed as he gestured to his ears. Ashlyn and Dominique nodded in sync, their eyes glancing back at the door.

"What's our plan?" Taylor asked, her voice wavering slightly as she clutched onto Tyler's hand.

"We'll have to kill it. Dom?" Ashlyn stated, then looked towards Dom. Dom was the only one on the group that killed one of the things. She knew how to kill it and had the highest chance out of anyone in the group of taking it down.

Dom released a heavy breath, her hand reaching down to her waist and grabbing her Bo-staff. She nodded at ash.

"Why don't we just shoot it? We can't keep putting Dom on the front lines!" Tyler argued to Ashlyn, whisper yelling.

"The gun is for emergency's, Tyler." Ash stated, looking between the group to make sure everyone was ready for what about to go down.

"This is an emergency!" He shouted at Ashlyn, losing his temper. Everyone glanced to him in alert as he quickly covered his mouth, not realising that he had yelled.

Dom held up a hand to the group, her ear perking slightly at the sound of footsteps getting closer to the bus.

"Under the seats. Now!" Ash ordered, everyone quickly sliding under the seats in the bus.

Everyone collectively held their breath, Dominique under the seat in front of Ashlyn. Ashlyn crawled forward slightly, her knee scraping against the metal ground of the bus. She grimaced, and Dom looked back in alarm.

As ash raised her head in front of her, her eyes blew wide at the sight of a phantom bent at an unnatural angle infront of Dominique, who had her attention on Ashlyn.

"DOM!" Ash shouted in alarm, raising a finger and pointing in front of her. Confused, Dom turned her attention back infront of her, her eyes going wide at the sight of the phantom.

Her hand reached into her back pocket, grabbing the phantom tooth and stabbing it in the eye, quickly rolling out from under the seat.

"Grab the weapons, Ty-!" She was interrupted at she let out a cry, feeling the phantom grab the back of her plait, yanking her back down.

She let out a frustrated yell, ripping the handle of her staff off and sliding it out her belt loop and swiping behind her blindly, not able to see the phantom behind her.

It let out a roar of pain, and Dom managed to tug her head forward, hard enough to get out of the phantoms grasp.

She got up, spinning her staff in her hand, building up enough speed in her hand to slice its head off. The rest of the group were gathered at the back of the bus, the phantom in between the rest of the group and Dominique.

It turned behind it, reaching for Logan, who was standing the closest toward it. Logan's eyes widened in horror as it reached for him, squeezing his eyes shut and putting his hand up in front of him in defence.

But, at the sound of a thud, Logan quickly opened his eyes, landing on the sight of the phantoms body flaking to the floor.

Logan felt something roll against his foot, his pupils dilating in fear as he looked down, met with the phantoms soulless, dead smile and one blank eye, the other impaled by Dom.. He screamed, jumping onto Ben who was next to him and burying himself in his side, not wanting to take in the sight.

Behind the deceased phantom, Dominique stood, wiping her brow and panting lightly.

Aiden wolf-whistled, walking forward and placing an arm over Dominique, cheering a fist up in the air.

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