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Ashlyn whirled back around, her hands on her temples as she tried to think of a plan to get the group safely out of the situation they were stuck in. Her eyes widened and a small grin spread over her face as she looked toward Dominique and Aiden.

"Give me the string to your pants, both of you." She spoke, her palm facing up as she gestured toward them, her eyes wide with urgency. Dominique and Aiden both quickly looked at each other, and with a shrug, both their hands went to their waists as they pulled the string out from their waistbands.

Dominique wore and oversized shirt, so she lifted the bottom of her hem up, grasping it between her teeth so she could use both her hands to quickly undo the bow to her pants. But, by doing this, she had exposed her abdomen to the group around her. Her waist glistened lightly with sweat and thin scars ran over her stomach.

The groups face's all lightly dusted with blushes as they struggled to advert their eyes.

Once Dominique was done, she let go of her shirt with her teeth and quickly placed her string in Ashlyn's palm, looking around her friends with a confused expression on her face.

The group seemed to snap out of it, and everyone looked toward Ashlyn with questioning gazes. Looking back up, she quickly explained.

"I'm going to tie the door to the pole there-" she paused, nodding in the direction of a gas pipe fastened to the side of one of the doors.

"Two weak strings and a shabby pipe? Are you crazy?! That's not going to hold!" Tyler spoke, dumbfounded by Ashlyn's idea as he glanced around the group, who all had similar looks on their faces, save for Dominique and Aiden.

"It's not supposed to! It will hold long enough that me and Dominique can make a run for it." She continued, taking a quick glance up at the six infront of her, fastening the strings to each other and tying a final knot.

"You guys, go!" She yelled, waving a hand for them to head in the other direction. Taylor, Tyler, Ben and Logan looked at each other with hesistant expressions on their faces.

"She said go, dumbasses!" Dominique snapped, pushing on Tyler shoulder lightly, ushering them down the hallway. Tyler tsked, sliding his hair out of his face before grabbing Taylor's hand, starting to run down the hall.

"Cmon!" He yelled urgently, waving Logan and Ben over, who quickly followed, sending one last look over their shoulders at the three who stayed behind.

Dominique looked at Aiden, a questioning look in her eye as she placed her hand firmly back against the handle on the door.

"Dominique, tie this to the door handle, quickly." Ashlyn spoke, handing Dom an end of her makeshift rope, who nodded in return, keeping a hand on the doorknob to stop the phantom from coming out.

"Should've killed the thing when I had the fucking chance." She mumbled to herself, Aiden throwing her a questioning glance as she glared at him.

Ashlyn sighed out, realising Aiden wasn't going to leave before handing him the middle on the rope, instructing him to tie it in place to the pipe with a roll of her eyes.

As Aiden, Dom and Ashlyn all finished tying their points, Dominique whirled around, gearing up at the sound of heavy footsteps of shadowy creatures making their way towards them.

As the horde turned the corner, Dominique turned back around and parted her lips, uttering a single command with urgency lacing her tone.


At her mark, the three turned back, setting their sights on the doorway the other four had gathered in before setting off into a sprint down the hall. Dominique pulled the phantom tooth out of her pocket, keeping it in her hand and ready just in case she would need to use it.

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