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Author's Pov
Suddenly, a figure approached from behind, and then"SLASH!"

Y/n spun around to check behind her, finding nothing. Suddenly, her attention snapped forward as she witnessed an unseen force decapitating the flame-filchers. Their dark blood dripped down, revealing the outline of an invisible sword.

Y/n froze, confused by the chaos around her. Then, a whisper broke through the noise: "Y/n, use your power. I can't handle them alone." With a jolt, she focused, pushing her hands forward. Flames erupted, swirling into a fiery vortex that engulfed the creatures, reducing them to ash.

Y/N was battling fiercely, but more Flamefliers kept appearing. Exhaustion crept in, almost leading her to surrender. Then, she spotted the silhouette of the figure, wielding a glowing sword. With a swift motion, the figure raised the sword high, unleashing a blinding light that flooded the stadium.

She shut her eyes against the blinding light, then blinked them open to find the flame-filchers vanished. The stadium plunged back into the night, lit only by the moon, now a glowing white orb, akin to milk.

She could now hear the people murmuring, so she hurried toward the risers. Then suddenly, the lights came on, transforming the once dark stadium into a sea of light.

All the members went backstage using the risers. It was busy and chaotic because of a sudden blackout though it lasted for only 2 minutes. But nobody noticed that Y/n's arm was bleeding.

As Y/n headed to her room to change clothes, Ms. Yoon suddenly stopped her with a loud exclamation, "OH MY GOD, Y/N, YOUR ARM IS BLEEDING!" Everyone turned to look, startled by the sudden commotion.

All the BTS members rushed over to see what had happened to her, bombarding her with a million questions while they panicked.

"How did it happen?" Jimin asked, concern written all over his face as he looked at her arms.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Taehyung inquired.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Jungkook gently held her hands, his eyes welling up with tears as he carefully examined her wound. Y/n looked at him without saying anything, wondering how someone could cry over such a small injury.

"Y/n, how'd you get that cut?" J-Hope's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Um, nothing...just...I think I tripped on the risers during the blackout," she replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you sure?" Ms. Yoon's concerned expression turned mischievous.

"Ne, I think that's what happened," Y/n nodded, but Jin jumped in with a playful scold, showcasing his rap skills, "Y/n, you gotta watch where you're standing. Look at that cut, Pabo!"

Y/n bowed, sheepishly smiling, "Mianhae, Oppa. I'll be more careful next time."

They all nodded, and Ms. Yoon instructed a staff member to fetch the first aid kit to treat Y/n's wound.

Time Skip

The next morning Y/n woke up on her bed, She felt so tired that she slept as soon as she entered her room, even without removing her clothes and makeup.

She got out of bed and started her morning routine, feeling puzzled about the mysterious figure who had helped her defeat the flame-filchers. Was it Karan? If it was, why hadn't he reached out to her yet? Pushing aside these thoughts, she headed downstairs.

As she headed downstairs, she saw everyone had gathered except for Jungkook. Just as she was about to sit down, Jin's voice boomed from the kitchen, startling her. "Y/N, COULD YOU PLEASE CALL JUNGKOOK AND LET HIM KNOW THE BREAKFAST IS READY?" 

"You can't stop the fire inside me" JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now