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Author's Pov

Y/n's eyes flickered open, greeted by an oppressive darkness that seemed to swallow her whole. As she acclimated to her surroundings, she found herself in a dimly lit room adorned with skulls. The scent of blood, scattered across the floor, sent a chill down her spine.

The cold touch of metal against her skin triggered panic as she struggled to break free from the unyielding chains, but her efforts were in vain.

"Oh, you woke up!" a smirking voice chimed in from the shadows, seated beside a lifeless animal. Y/n couldn't make out much in the darkness, but it was clear enough that it was Kabir.

"LEAVE ME BASTARD" Y/n shouted while trying to free herself from the unyielding chains. Kabir approached with a sinister smile, dismissing her efforts, "It's useless." 

He bent down to her eye level, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear with his bloody hands and said  "I won't hurt you love just give me what I want" 

"DON'T CALL ME LOVE and I won't give anything to A JERK LIKE YOU" Y/n snapped, he smirked while caressing her cheeks and said "First of all, only I have the right to raise my voice" he grabbed a fistful of her hair harshly which made her wince in pain "And second, YOU WON'T  CALL ME WITH THAT NAMES, UNDERSTOOD?" he yelled which made her startled.

She nodded nervously, afraid to speak in front of a man who grinned like a psychopath. Gathering courage, she asked him "W-what do you want from me?" He chuckled and, with a sinister expression, replied "The flame of the fire dragon"

Y/n was confused she didn't know what he was talking about so she asked frowning "Flame of fire dragon, what's that? I don't have anything like that, what rubbish are you talking about?" she rolled her eyes. 

He smirked and leaned in, trapping her with a sinister grin. "Don't act like you don't know anything, darling. I am talking about your powers, your fire magic from which you killed your mother" 

Tears welled up in her eyes as she avoided his gaze, glancing away "How do you know about it, how do you know that I have powers, how do you know that my mom..." she paused and sniffed "My mom died because of my power"

"Guess, you don't know anything" he scoffed, oozing arrogance. "Good now i will tell you the whole truth darling" he pulled a chair and sat in front of her "Your power is nothing but a curse to you and your loved ones...as you know your mother died just because, you didn't know how to use it and end up killing your mother" A single tear traced its way down her cheek.

he continued "Just because of your power, your loved ones are in danger because you struggle to control your powers. Your loved ones are also in danger because everyone wants your power. They might even go to extreme lengths, like taking a life, just as they did with your father, who was killed by some doppelganger of yours ." he said nonchalantly.

She couldn't believe what Kabir was saying. All her life, she thought her dad died in an accident, but now he claims a doppelganger who wanted her powers killed him. It was tough for her to accept.

She shook her head in disbelief and argued, "How can you be so sure that my father was killed by my doppelganger when it was clear that due to some mechanical problems, he died" 

She argued. Seeking the answer she desired, she was met with a chuckle."Sweetie, ever wonder how those 'mechanical problems' ever happened?" His gaze bore into her piercing her soul.

"You can't stop the fire inside me" JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now