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Y/n's pov

I headed straight to her office, but when I got there, she wasn't inside. Frustrated, I sighed, turning to leave the empty room. As I reached for the door, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. 

I glanced out of the window and spotted her sneaking out of the building, moving quietly as if she didn't want anyone to notice. Instantly, my curiosity spiked. Why would she leave like that? Something didn't feel right, so I decided to follow her.

Without wasting any more time, I rushed down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest, and headed straight for the backdoor of the company. Just as I reached it, I suddenly found myself face-to-face with Jungkook. 

He stood in my way, giving me a playful smile. "Jagi, why are you running so fast towards the backdoor?" he asked, teasingly calling me by the nickname he always used.

I shot him a quick glare, embarrassed that he used 'Jagi' in public where anyone could hear. But of course, Jungkook just chuckled, clearly amused. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" he asked again, his curiosity growing.

At that moment, it hit me—I was wasting precious time! If I didn't move fast, I'd lose her. Without thinking, I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes widened in surprise as I pulled away. "Koo, I'll explain everything later, okay? I have to go now. Bye!" I said hurriedly, seeing the blush spread across his cheeks.

As I dashed towards the backdoor, I couldn't help but smile to myself. The look of shock on Jungkook's face from my unexpected kiss was priceless, but I couldn't dwell on it for long. There were more pressing matters at hand.

I searched for her down the long, narrow alley. The further I went, the darker it became, until I reached the very end where shadows clung to every corner. That's when I saw her. She was dressed head to toe in black—a hoodie and cargo pants that made her nearly impossible to distinguish from the surrounding darkness. Her face was hidden behind a black mask, blending into the night.

I quickly ducked behind a large green trash can, holding my breath as I watched her, curious to see what she would do next. She moved quietly, cautiously, towards the far wall. She paused and glanced over her shoulder, scanning the alley for anyone who might be watching. I held my breath, sinking lower behind the trash can, hoping she wouldn't notice me.

After a few seconds, I peeked out again, just in time to see her pulling something from her pocket—a key. She carefully slid it into what appeared to be an invisible lock on the wall. To my surprise, a door creaked open, spilling out a brilliant light that pierced through the darkness of the alley. She smiled to herself, a sly smirk, as she stepped inside.

Without thinking, I bolted from my hiding spot, racing towards the door before it could close. I slipped inside just in time and found myself in a place unlike anything I had ever imagined. A breathtaking kingdom stretched out before me. A majestic castle stood high on a hill, with waterfalls cascading down its sides. Streams of crystal-clear water meandered through the lush green land, sparkling in the moonlight. Above me, the night sky glittered with countless stars, but the tall, thick trees at the edge of the forest framed the view like a perfect painting. I stood there, completely mesmerized by the beauty and mystery of this hidden world.

 I stood there, completely mesmerized by the beauty and mystery of this hidden world

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"Maybe this is Aetheris," I whispered softly to myself. "If this is what it looks like, then it's beautiful." I couldn't help but gaze in awe at the stunning landscape around me. The air felt different here—lighter, almost magical—and the sky shimmered in shades I had never seen before. It was mesmerizing.

But then, a thought struck me. Where was Yulie? I quickly snapped out of my trance and began looking around, searching for her. I turned back toward the place where I had entered, only to realize with shock that the door I came through was vanishing—melting away into nothingness.

Suddenly, *BANG* A sharp pain hit the back of my head, and I stumbled backward, struggling to stay on my feet. My vision blurred, and the world started to spin uncontrollably. I could feel myself losing consciousness, darkness creeping in at the edges of my vision. Just before everything went black, I saw her—Yulie—standing there, laughing wickedly. But as I blinked in confusion, her face twisted and shifted, and in her place stood... Karan?

And then, everything went dark.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update (I'm really lazy af lol). Also, I know this chapter's short, but I'll drop another one soon since we hit **2K views**!! 🎉 Big thanks for that! 

But hey, don't be a silent reader—leave a comment and drop a vote on the chapters you like! Otherwise, I might have to start using 'threat tactics' like some authors do (kinda works, not gonna lie 😅), 

so better vote or Namjoon's gonna shave your eyebrows! 😂 (Just kidding... or am I?)

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