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"Thank goodness you're not the same person that's been incessantly bothering Cerberus," Hades says as he summons his weapon. "Vigor and enthusiasm are great for battle but know when to cut your ties, am I right?"

Spotting you a bit further back than from the sun person, Hade's face falls.

"You are here," He inhales with a hiss. "Win the battle and not the war it seems little one."

Feeling heat go up your ears, you had no idea the other gods knew of you. There were so many players. Yes, going after the abilities had dwindled now but surely you weren't the only one! Throwing down an empty ammo box you storm away from the battle, let the Sunspot take it!

"Was that your friend?" Hades asks the sun.

"So-so," He signs, "We just met not too long ago really." This makes Hades raise an eyebrow and tilt his head up, a light seeming to switch on his head.

"Is that the same person whom Ares often speaks of?" 

"They do battle Ares a lot" Sunspot shrugs. 

"So it seems," Chuckles Hades. "You best go get your acquaintance then." He motions with a nod of his head. Following his advice Sunspot signs as he takes a few steps back.

"I'll get your medallion next time Hades." 

Not calling forth to be taken away he stays in his spot. Watching Sunspot's red figure grow smaller and smaller towards where you may be. Being the God of the Underworld he simply manages those already dead which makes it interesting or rather a vacation being in a world where death can be avoided. The living hold such uncertainty.

"Perhaps Ares may have a point." The god says to himself. Lighting with green and black fog whisks him away as it had brought him in the first place. A visit would be in question with a keen eye should be noted in his book.

Sunspot catches up to your crouched figure as you open a chest, he takes a minute to catch his breath. His hand resting on your back.

"That was humiliating. I'm just not going to go get any medallions then!" You trade out one of your guns for a sniper. 

"Why don't you go talk to Cerberus?" Sunspot suggests. 

"You're absolutely right!" You get up enthusiastically. "I just gotta take his medallion and show him who's boss." Checking your map for the storm it would be closing in soon. Being pretty far from the center it would have to be priority and quick.

"That's NOT what I meant." Sunspot signs, standing in front of you and obscuring your path. "Maybe you should take a break from the medallion hunting?"

"How am I going to win if I don't have them? Someone else is gonna get them either way."

"Let them get it then. You have other things to focus on." This takes a moment for you to process. 

"So just go kill the others without the medallion?" Sunspot nods. 

"If we can get across the map, and you're still alive, then we can go get Ares' Medallion. It's right at the center of the storm." He suggests with a sly smile. "You did want to get better. This is the first step."

"Okay, but what else?" You ask leaning against a trunk of a tree. 

"What do you mean what else?"

"I survive, I get to grab Are's medallion and what else am I getting out of this? Sounds to me I'm doing a lot of hard work." You comment with a light-hearted tone. 

"You wanna make a bet?" Sunspot asks with a toothy smile. "What about, you make it through I become your bodyguard for the next match. Get to boss me around, use me as a human shield, whatever."

"I'm liking the sound of that." You nod your head. 

"If you don't make it," Sunspot taps his cheek for a second. "You gotta buy me dinner."

"That's not bad, you want fast food? Something from the stall?"

"Sushi." You shut up, "From the good quality place by the shore." Now you were having a bit of a grimace. While that place was good and did offer quality choice ingredients. It certainly did pack a punch on the wallet. The Ramen and buns there were also pretty good. 

Recalling the moment Peely and Sunspot had killed you with their car though did fuel some needed vengeance. 

"Well...You do drive a hard bargain." Sticking your hand out Sunspot takes a firm grasp as you two shake on it. 

(744 Word Count)

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