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Sunspot's aim couldn't be any better as a player pokes their head out from behind a window of their fort. A shot straight to the head downs the player, but not killing for their partner could have the time to revive them. Taking the risk Sunspot jumps over his walls of cover and bolts in the direction of the enemy. The opponent that is still alive, blasts at him but only manages to get scrapes against the star. 

Jumping through the same window that led to the player's demise, Sunspot finishes the job with two shots to the head. All he had to do was find the other half of the pair and there would be no worries. He could try to buy you time to take down Ares by keeping the enemy alive as long as possible, but this was a bet as mentioned before. 

Walking out of the space he is on alert for footsteps, gun at the ready to pull the trigger at a moment's notice. All is eerily quiet as he scans the area, having him tilt his head in confusion. 

His eyes shot open, hands growing cold as he sees the figure he is searching for scale up the wall that was near his own build. With no time to think Sunspot bolts, getting on his knees to slide on the ground in order to conserve his energy for a final push to confront the enemy. 

Having reached the build the enemy hears gunfire belonging to Ares. The God's health bar appears overhead, only a quarter left still stands. Meaning the other half of that Sun character would be distracted. 

Just as assumed, you are within his sight, having built a wall for cover against Ares as you brake down some slurp barrels around the stage Ares stands on. Taking his aim he pulls the trigger.

Feeling the sting through your body you whip your head in the direction of the bullet that shot you. 

This wasn't good. 

Your health now stands at about halfway. Ares was taking damage rather quickly by now and you certainly could do it, but with how things are looking now you were quickly losing confidence. 

'Did he take down Sunspot?' You thought, a feeling of anxiety washing over you. A loud blast popping your ears brought you back to the battle at hand. If you could get Ares out of the way and dodge well enough there was a possibility of salvaging a win. 

Jumping out of range of being shot you bring out your weapon and land shots on Ares, chipping away at his health. Stinging on your leg as more from the stranger land on you. 

'This isn't fair'  You think as you curse under your breath. A growing frustration grows at the pit of your stomach. 

A successful aim at Ares' head takes him down earning a soft gasp from you. Having lost yourself in the commotion of everything. 

You did it.

You defeated Ares despite how things looked. 

You needed cover, now

Mind in a tizzy your legs stumble over themselves, unsure if to run in a random direction, straight ahead, or choose someplace with a probability of a shield potion. As you stumble your eyes land on the enemy, still having his sights on you. 

"Well, shit." You say.

A banner of blue and gold pop up, cheering in a victory of your favor. Your brain in a blank until you see the rays of Sunspot's head appear behind the enemy as the slow motion of the moment passes. Once again saved in the nick of time. 

Running up to you he grabs your wrist, then landing on your shoulder and then up to your cheek before exhaling. Assessing and assuring you were alive and okay. 

"You're acting like if I died this round you're never going to see me again." You say with a crack in your voice. Thorat parched after so many nerves. "Thanks for that save though." 

You playfully punch his shoulder which he returns a silent laugh. 

The shifting of metal attracts both of your attention. Ares had not yet left the area nor even dropped what was his usual winnings. 

"You fought well," Ares praises you, "Even when your attention was strayed and backed into a corner." His attention shifts to Sunspot. 

"They still have plenty to learn." Sunspot signs. "But I can say I'm pretty proud." He directs his smile at you, making a warmth fill your cheeks as you return the smile. 

"As you should." Ares' motions with a hand to the dropped loot of the last enemy. "The game is done, it's best to turn in for the day with a battle well fought." He places a hand on Sunspots shoulder as you nod in agreement. 

"See you in a bit for those bragging rights, Sunspot." You mock him as you signal for the drone to come pick you up. 

Sunspot is about to do the same when Ares lets go of his shoulder, shuffling under his armor to grab an item around his neck. 

"Are considering to be partners in arms?" Ares asks, to which has Sunspot's hands stuttering. Thinking of how to answer. 

"Like...ranked?" He finally signs. "I can see that working out, it would be cool. Think we got the stuff?"

"I think far more than what your answer gives." Ares brings a golden chain over his head, at the end of it a stunning golden medallion. His, golden medallion. 

Sunspot stays quiet, unsure what was going on since the match was over. 

"What about your friendship? Would you say there's a strong bond?" 

"There's..." Sunspot signs, thinking back to your brief fights and some annoyances. However, those moments of positivity and funny stupidity has him shaking his head. "... potential." 

He finishes his sentence. A hum emits from Ares as he brings the medallion over Sunspot's head, bestowing it upon him. 

"You have my blessing then." Ares snaps his fingers to call forth a drone. 

Sunspot not wanting the conversation to end just yet. "If it's right, the battle is always worth it." Ares chuckles at the frantic signing of Sunspot. Various questions and need of answers, but there was no time. He was gone into particles of code. 

(1033 word count)


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