Four Walls And a Roof, Hold the Door

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Grass stretches on as mountains touch the sky in the distance. Sun smiling down without a cloud in sight. Although the terrain was not the most even, depending on where one stood, this custom map is perfect for build practice. No weapons, no fights, no need to scavage for resources,  no need for any other person to interrupt. 

"Here's you jacket," You hold out the garment, Sunspot's hand reaching out for in with a thankful smile. Only for it to twist into confusion as you pull it away from his grasp. "Where is my ransom money?" You say with a glint in your eye.

Sunspot places a dramatic hand on his chest. "You know a poor father, like myself, who works in coal mines for hours to bring back some food on the table for his kids can't possibly afford the millions you demand!"

"Should have thought of that before leaving this out of sight," You hug the jacket close. Noting he was in a white turtle neck, one that you came to familiarize yourself with the other day. 

Sunspot bolts at you, managing to grab an end of his jack, tearing it away from your arms in a moment of surprise. A jump of joy as he throws it back on himself. A dance following as he celebrates his victory, taunting you in the process. 

"That wasn't fair," You complain.

"How so?" Sunspot sasses back. "It's mine, in the first place."He hugs himself, or rather the jacket around him, the same way you did earlier. 

"Yeah, but you gave it to me."Hands on your hips, you weren't letting this go.

"I let you borrow it. To which you stole and kept it prisoner!" His childlike demeanor brings a laugh out of you as you roll your eyes. "and then I saved, so haha, you lose."

"Okay, okay, fine." You admit, "You big baby." Earning a dramatic gasp from him as he turns away.

The sight of the terrain and expanding grasslands click in Sunspot's mind. Reminding him what they were there for in the first place.

"You know how to build your basics, right?" Sunspot asks as he turns back around. Noting how the Sunlight is reflecting off your hair. Your eye color becoming so prominent...enchanting. 

"Of course I do," You say in confidence, building the first blueprint you glanced at. Wood crashes together to form 3 sides meeting at one point, a pyramid.

"Not my first choice, but interesting." Sunspot nods as you double-take what you built with the blueprint in hand. Definitely, the pyramid build. 

 "No, wait, shit." You shuffle through your papers, finding one with a smile as you quickly make the structure. A floor. "That's not..." Continuing to cycle through the options and building each one without a thought. Your body moving in a circle after each build, amounting to nothing.

 Sunspot, places a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. You haven't memorized their order we can figure that out." 

You exhale a heavy sigh. "I've been stuck here for a while now, you'd think I'd remember a bit better." you say jokingly. 

"You just need to look to memorize, and eventually you'll be building without needing the blueprints. Or at least remember the order you put them in." He steps closer to you to hold the blueprints in your hands. "Mind if I...?"

"Oh, yeah, go ahead," Your hold loosens so he is able to freely shuffle the order of the papers. 

"Which hand do you react more quickly with?" You answer with whichever that hand may be. "What do you find yourself usually building first?" Again, you answer. Nodding his head he hands back the stack of blue-prints. 

"Doesn't look like you changed the order much." You shuffle through the stack. "What about arches or -"

"We're not going to worry about that yet." The scattered builds you had earlier crumble into nothing, the map refreshing after a while of inactivity. "We need to build a good foundation first and we make that by etching it into reflex." 

Agreeing with what Sunspot is saying you bring up your hand that more quickly registers your actions. Your instinctual command. Instead of a pyramid being built this time, a wooden wall forms. Cycling through the builds you begin to get a feel for things, first is a wall, then stairs, followed by a roof, and finally the pyramid. 

"There you go!" Sunspot praises as your individual builds become quicker. The back of your neck grows warm with little buzzes of electricity. "Now in battle, the first thing you'll build is a wall." He nudges your side which you take in good heart.

"I do expect lots of gratitude when I come to save you then." You nudge him back. He raises his eyebrows, his smile curving in mischief as he leans in close.

"Enjoy my praise?" His hands have that smooth grace to them as he signs, his eyelids lowered. Raising a dust of pink on your cheeks, your voice caught somewhere in your chords. Spotting the way your eyes shift, the change in your demeanor, all a sort of affirmation. Sunspot's heart quickens. The medallion around his neck grows warmer alongside it.

Taking a few steps back as he wipes his hands on his jacket, your heartbeat steadying from the close proximity just moments before. 

"I think-I think I'm good to try to an easy build now," Your voice cracked at the start, steadying itself as you continued your sentence.

 "We can start with a little house then." He replies.

"4 doors and a roof?" You ask, catching what you said.

"I would hope." Sunspot cracks an amused smile. With what you have learned, the buzz in your head and improvement in mind, 4 walls are built followed by a pyramid serving as the roof. Sunlight blocked from the outside but not entirely dark within the walls. 

"That was pretty quick, actually," Sunspot observes the build. Your hands made quick work on flicking through the blue-prints, your eyes not even on the instructions at times. 

"Mhm," Was all you could muster as you flick away the pain in your wrists. The effort of summing and building was something to still get use to.

"That'll go away once you memorize how to build it." Sunspot comments, "No need to flip through so much."

"I would hope so, there's quick commands, no?" 

"Yes, but foundations remember?"

"Ah, right," You say dejected.

"It just makes things easier in the long run." Sunspot gives a bright smile before it falters into confusion. 

"Sunspot," You say as his attention perks, "How do we build a door now?"

(1090 Word Count)

You know...we haven't seen the gods in a while. Wonder what they're up to! 

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now