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"You can take the med kit, I'll take the chug jug." Sunspot signs, pushing the kit towards you. Reloading your gun as you crouch on one knee you see him pocket the chug jug.

"You're not gonna replenish your shield right now?" You ask.

"Wanna see if I can find the smaller ones first." He replies, switching out a gun of his that no longer had any ammo for a similar one the enemy had. 

"What if we run into someone?" Sunspot stands up during your question. Wrapping the bandages around your arm there was still a few seconds before you were fully healed. 

"It'll be fine, there's some barrels on the bottom floor if I remember." You nod as there is truth to his statement. The map usually did have barrels of chug splash, it was just a matter of them still being there. He walks in the direction down some stairs.

"Wait for me!" You shout. "I still need to fight Ares!" Tossing the roll of gauze you quickly follow behind Sunspot. Meeting him at the bottom of the steps as he walked along. 

"It seems a little unfair to have you fight him now." Sunspot signs. "We don't know if we can get you to full stats and if we run into the last pair?" 

Finding the barrels Sunspot brings out his blueprint for a pyramid build. The two of you replenished some of your shields from the build crushing the barrels as a result. Wasting no time, Sunspot brings out his chug jug and aptly supports it's reason of title. 

"Yeah, but isn't that the whole point of a bet?" You say with a smile. "Betting against odds and showing you wrong?" Sass is making its way through your tone.

Tossing the empty jug Sunspot returns a sassy smile. "Alright then, go ahead and fight the Spirit of Battle." Bowing with his arm up in the direction of the statue of Ares, he steps back to give you space with a tilt of his head.

Standing straight, eyes on the statue you walk confidently towards the podium. Taking note of the difference between Ares' statue versus Zeus'. This one had much sharper lines, fluid in its action while holding its weight. The other was softer, allowing the light to bring out its strong features rather than heavily defined. 

Hearing a whistle bring you out from your thoughts you note Sunspot as the source. He points to the statue before you from his distance, then makes a pushing motion with a thumbs-up. 

Rolling your eyes you shift your body so you face him. Bringing your hand up you smack the statue to the ground. Recoiling a bit from the shattering marble. 

Readying your gun as the first wave of soldiers arrives, you take a deep breath and shoot. Knowing you were getting no help this time. Taking cover behind a pillar you reload, waiting for a window to safely fire. 

Taking in your surroundings you note of any places you could use for cover to replenish. Pillars, by the stairs, if you were far enough it could be used as a moment for breath. Shake off the fight. 

Running to a pillar further ahead you manage to get away from being surrounded by the soldiers. Your next shots downing 2, your shield suffering a bit. Running up the stairs, closer to Ares' spawn point give some space between you and the soldiers, their aim suffering as a result. Yours improving. With a few more successful hits you take a deep breath, having only seconds before the 2nd wave were to appear. 

Spotting some small shield potions to your left you run for it. Bolts of lighting already summoning the 2nd wave you chug down two from the set of 3. Some of the drink spilling down your chin as you discard one and uncork the other.

From Sunspot's distance as he watches the battle play out his heart is pounding in his chest. If you were to die now there would be no revival bus near to bring you back. Shaking his wrists he does his best to get the nerves and energy in him out. Refraining from jumping in and meddling. 

Bringing your gun up once more from your position you down one soldier, grabbing the attention of the others. As they head straight for you, you have a straight shot to their person. This 2nd wave going on quicker than the previous as you stand up and walk to your left. Getting a better sight of the last soldiers that remain taking them down with your shield decently spared.

Wiping the sweat from you as the sun beats down, you crouch behind a stone railing to chug your last potion. Lighting shakes the ground as Ares appears, his gun at the ready as he scans the area.

Poking your head up you take aim at the god. Now knowing where you hide, Ares makes his approach, shooting at the stone railing to break it down. Earning a few shots of damage at you in the process. 

Standing from your position you shoot and walk to avoid his aim. Another bolt of lighting strikes as two more soldiers are summoned in his aid.

"It's been a while since we've sparred," The god laughs, "You seem to be trying a bit more than in the past, has a new flame been ignited?" 

"Guess I'm just getting better!" Your banter is light as you focus your attention on the soldiers. They were like flies, an annoyance to the main goal. 

Sunspot appears out of nowhere, jumping over your line of fire. Bringing even Ares a confused look under his mask as his gaze follows Sunspot. You couldn't bear the least of him in mind in the moment, however, the sound of the storm shrinking makes your anxiety rise. 

Sunspot aims the short distance as he continues to make haste. The last pair was approaching quickly, already having shot in their direction. The whizz of the bullet went far over Sunspot's head but not enough to ignore. This is what made him bolt over your line of fire. 

Once he has the enemy in line of sight, he shoots, making good dents into their shield and health. Building walls and a fort to slow down their approachment. Naturally, this new sound of blasts clicks in your mind. You had to keep cool though. Turning away from battle for just a moment to throw your last small shield potion at Sunspot. The sound of a drop alerts him, raising a hand to signal he is aware he goes back to defend you and your battle.

"Sunspot is an amazing player. He can keep them at bay. You just need to focus on Ares." You thought. 

"Sunspot will protect you."

(1123 Word Count)

I once chugged a Mcdonalds sprite and I felt the carbonation go up my nose. I died a little. 

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now