Sore Loser

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"Oh, fuck off!" You shout as you're flung across the map. Hit by a vehicle that none other than Peely was driving. In the passenger seat, the sun person from the last 2 matches. Seeing you die a third time, had to be beyond humiliating. 

But you didn't die this time, you were holding on just by a thread on your health. Lucky for you, a hoard of small shield potions should help you hold out until you find a med kit. Remembering to build cover, you drink the potion for that max 75 shield. The slight tinge of sourness is quite refreshing, almost like a limade. 

The sound of car beeps stops your heart for a moment, the metal clanking far too close. A whizz of air pops your ears as you see the machinery from under the green car that had hit you earlier. With a crash and flip it lands a distance away with dark smoke rising from it. 

Quickly, the two get out of the car, the one in red moving his hands sternly at Peely's direction. 

"I told you so slow down! we could have hit them!" The one in red signs aggressively, not in your view. Peely waves his hands in front of him at this, apologetic. They didn't have time for their silent exchange you took the opportunity to shoot at their car, making it burst something in its mechanics. 

Having this grab their attention they quickly turned to look at you in panic. Waving their arms and shaking their heads, staying on their toes. While humorous in the moment you were a sitting duck. Peely, a dear that he may be, had already almost accidentally killed you twice now. Third time's a charm as they say. 

Not having put down your gun, pondering your options, Peely decided to make a run straight for you. Sending you into a panic from the head-on bolt. Shooting at him a few times you do manage to down him. The Sun person covers his mouth as he runs to Peely's death spot as you reload. 

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 He dramatically drops to his knees and lets out fake tears. 

"Peely, my brother..." He signs. Now having a closer look at the fighter you realize that he was using ASL. A dramatic point to you he continues, "You!" 

Getting up he rummages through his pockets, keeping your gun close you weren't sure where this could go, he brings out a med kit and hands it to you. 

"I thought you'd be fun." He signs. "But you killed Peely! Everyone loves Peely." He frowns crossing his arms as he finishes his sentence. 

"You guys hit me! And he came right at me!" You say defensively. "How else was I supposed to react?" You reach over to grab the med kit on the floor but a yellow hand beats you to it.

"Have fun and do a lil dance after having a whole day of losing battles?" He begins to build, "We couldn't make it more obvious in the moment to not blow us up aside from a jig." Using the med kit he offered you he patches himself up. 

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"When I'm so close to a win?" You get up from your spot haughtily, walking in whatever opposite direction this guy was setting up. Your words made him look up from his task, eyebrows furrowed.

Catching up and stopping you in your tracks he signs again.

"You were, trying, to win?" A glint in the distance barely makes the corner of your eye. You were in open hilly grasslands.


Nothing was running in your mind as you stood like a deer at the end of a hunter's shotgun. The sound of the sniper shot going off was heard but not processed until moments later. Blinking, stepping in various directions but no particular goal. Dancing with yourself in a little square.

Interrupting the bullet's path was the laying down of bricks in front of you. Various other walls, stairs, and flooring are being quickly built by the stranger next to you. If he was able to take down the sniper then you had a possible slim chance of taking him down from a close range. You just had to lay low for a while and see how this plays.

One shot, two shots, three shots.


Fourth shot.

A sparkle appears in the Sun's eyes accompanied by a victory punch. A click of your gun has him pausing and turning to look at you, however. An annoyed look on his face.

"Really?" He signs. "Cheap shot." You don't even bother to roll your eyes, you were willing to be cheap after a hard day. Taking the first shot he manages to dodge just by a hair.

"C'mon! don't you even wanna wait for the storm to close a bit more? Add some suspense!" He signs quickly. He wasn't exactly a threat at the moment on account of needing his hands to communicate. "Thought you'd be a lot more fun."

Jumping and dancing around the builds you guys have made the yellow man finally takes out his gun. You got a few shots in to start chipping at his shield. 

A pump shotgun was revealed from your opponent.

Yeah, you were cooked.

A third time, that you can count, did you die in front of him today. A third time,if the game continued, he could have taken your items. 

'Maybe he was there in the other games all along!' You thought as your coding whirled around. ' A common denominator. He was the reason you were losing so much! That had to be it!'

Bringing out a crown with a red pillow, fanfare and confetti burst around him. Settling his victory with an oh-so-smug smile. 

Look at him! He had to be the reason you were losing. You definitely could have won this one if they hadn't ran you over with that car.

This was personal. 

(983 Word Count)

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now