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Bolting across the map to reach the center of the storm, time was ticking down. Lucky for you a battle had brewed in Restored Reels that kept opposing forces busy while the two of you made way for the reliable car that was always placed at the start of the match.

Someone having the same thought you bring up your gun and take aim. Your bullet hit the person but not before they reached the driver's seat.  The person steering revving the car and beginning his escape. Sunspot takes aim beside you, three shots going towards the back window of the car. Successfully knocking out the person. 

You both root in success as you continue your run to the car that now had minor scrapes. 

Running towards the passenger seat just about to enter the car you see Sunspot through the driver's open car door.

"I thought you were gonna show me your driving skills?" He signs as you recall your conversation shortly after his motorcycle stunt. 

"My apologies," You say as you take your foot out of the car. Quickly changing positions so that you have control of the car. Taking your comfortable seat in leather you turn on the radio. "Watch how it's done."

A silent giggle covered by his hand is motioned by Sunspot. Your foot flooring the gas pedal, the rubber tires unable to gain traction for just a moment before speeding off. Holding into the side of a hill as you're launched off it's side. Sunspot holding his breath as his hand grips the roof handle. 

The car does not one, but two spins on its side as it flies through the air. Not just that but a poor fellow who was swimming in the water was in your line of sight. Sending him flying into who knows where. Hopefully, alive.

The gasp you let out upon impact with a slow turn of your head towards Sunspot. He has his mouth agape with the same slow motion of his head. 

"Murderer!" He signs as he shimmies the door handle to get out. You continue to press down on the grass as the car ever so slowly crawls out of the river and onto dry land. 

"It was an accident." You begin to defend yourself. "He was in my way, obviously, and just shouldn't have been swimming." You were absolutely pulling this out of your ass.

A squint from Sunspot was a clear humourous sign he wasn't buying it. A good look between the two of you as you nod, your story being the most true thing ever uttered. 

A burst of laughs breaks the moment. Sunspot holding his stomach as you smack the car wheel.

"So much for an amazing driver." Sunspot signs with shaky hands, needing to start over from his body betraying him. "You did exactly what Peely and I did."

"You guys were after me!" You're voice an octave higher as you shout. Positivity radiates in the moment.  "Both had a vendetta against me, I swear."

"No, we didn't!" Steadying himself Sunspot blinks away a few tears. 

"Okay okay, I admit, seeing what you saw. That was really funny." Continuing your drive you pray you don't have to see the person you hit along the way. 

Sunspot bobbing and tapping his thighs to the rhythm of the music was rather cute. Encouraging you to tap at the steering wheel and sing under your breath to the song on the radio. It was pleasant to have these quiet moments with someone. 

"Person spotted," You say before rolling down the window and taking aim. Sunspot panicking for a moment before reaching out to grab the wheel. Steadying the car from a sharp swerve. 

Through the scope of your sniper, you can see the dark figure of someone on a hill. Taking a shot the sound rings through the grassy plains. Alerting anyone near a battle was about to ensue. Missing by a few inches above you follow the person as they build, lowering your aim to adjust. 

The view of the person growing closer it was clear that Sunspot had the intention of crashing into the built. Prepping for impact you managed to crash through the first wall. Jumping out you scope the area for the possibility that the person made a run for it.

Sunspot jumping into the driver's seat he backs up the car from the build. Careful to not bump into you. A series of shots lands on you as you turn the corner. The player jumping over a wall of the build. Almost maze-like with behind every wall there was a set of stairs or walls behind walls. 

Following in suit you jump on a wall, getting a good angle of at least two cubicals this player could use as a form of cover. Getting a few shots in this person had full stats by your guess. Your turn to be shot at while reloading, a pumpshot gun was not a good sign for you in these tight quarters which made all the sense. 

Teetering on the wall's ledge with your jumps you just managed to get by with a scrape. Taking your aim you shoot while stepping towards. Aggressive in your hunt, running until you ran out of breath. Repeating to hopefully get the player cornered or out into open field.

Open field was in sight. 

Steady Steps forward, taking and giving damage, it was one-to-one on shoot and refill. You could only hope Sunspot was having the same idea as you. If you took this guy down on your own though it would still be a victory. Just as you went for your next shot you hadn't realized how much health you had lost. Your gaze staring right at the end of a Frenzy Shotgun, those three bullets would do you in.

In that moment a car's engine suddenly filled you ears. The player dropping their items upon impact. Your heart racing as you drop to your knees. Ever so glad the walls were there for protection.  Spotting a pack of chug splash that would do for now you quickly throw the pack at the wall. The syrup splash coating your body for an uneasy sticky sensation momentarily. The feeling quickly dissipates as if nothing were on your skin. Reminding you of hand sanitizer with too much aloe vera in it. It really makes you question what you're drinking when you have one of these.

Hearing a beeping sound from the car Sunspot is waiting outside the diver's seat. Shooting you a thumbs-up. Returning the gesture, you get up from the ground and make way for the passenger seat. Settling yourself in.

"Didn't know you could dodge like that." Sunspot signs as he turns on the radio.

"I used to spend a lot of time in no builds so I have pretty strong legs." It was your moment to gloat, there was no way you were letting that pass. 

Entering into yellow tallgrass and dusty terrain you finally entered into the territory of Mount Olympus.  

"Once you start to actually teach me, then I'll be unstoppable." You continue on.

"Strong enough to take on Zeus?" 

"Well...he's like the God of gods, right?" You say with a nervous laugh. "I'm sure he's busy, don't wanna intrude on his business."

"And Ares is the exception?" Sunspot gives you a look. 

"We're practically homies!" You cross your arms, not taking the situation seriously nor is he. "Not my fault he adopted me as some pseudo-child."

"So Zeus will be our goal to test your improvement."

"What!" You screeched. 

(1,250 Word Count)

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now