Stuck in The Past

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7 people left on the playing field. 

3 teams, one person left to their own devices unless they are able to revive their teammate in time.

With your health restored alongside some shield and Sunspot good on both aspects, you continue to your goal into Brawler's Battleground. Keeping at a steady pace you're both on high alert amongst the vulnerability of walking in free terrain. 

"Thanks for the cover back there." You say with your focus ahead. The battleground is within sight.

"I'm glad you were able to make it." He signs, "But are you sure you're okay you seemed...frazzled." 

"Just...taken aback." 

"Did you know her?" His signing is closer to his chest, treading lightly on whether to press on his inquiry. You pause for a moment in your answer.

"Yes, she was, is?" you question for a second, "a friend." 

There's a silence between the two of you for a moment.

"You didn't seem too happy to see her unless there's an inside game you guys play." You prepare to say something, "But you seemed rather...scared?" 

You close your mouth and look to the side, holding your bandaged arm. Thoughts fill your head on your last bitter interaction with Imani, Dara and the others as a group. One by one each member leaves until it is only the 3 of you. Your interactions with Imani and Dara were civil at best from then on. Bitterness fills your facial features as your body has a newfound weight to it.

"Player heading up the hill." You spot up ahead to your left. 

"Their team-mate has to be nearby then." Sunspot signs but you do not pay it any mind. You run for the person, sliding on your knees to save on energy. Hands on his head Sunspot groans in frustration. How you survived matches this long he will never know but your first encounters made a lot more sense now. 

Now standing on the hill the player was just on, you can see him running towards the entrance of the battleground. Steadying your aim you shoot from the medium distance between the two of you, successfully downing the player by the time he turned around and returned fire. 

Upon his immediate fall to his knees, sharp paint shoots up your bandaged arm. His teammate is running toward you with the weapon in hand. Your shield was already quickly depleting from his successful aim. 

As Sunspot watches and tries to catch up to a decent distance for his aim, he wonders why you weren't building a fort. Something for cover to save yourself or at least give you an advantage alongside the high ground. 

At a decent distance to ensure his fire, his focus goes back to the enemy. Getting a headshot and demolishing their shield. Inflating his excitement and pride at that feat he keeps his head on straight for his current goal. 

Alongside your fire, 2- against-1 it was quick work aside from their dodging. 

By the time Sunspot makes it to the top of the hill you have already slid down it and were walking ahead. Sighing and shaking his head he could not understand you right now. Maybe he pressed on a nerve, something unaddressed that is making you act out like this. 

If that was the case then hopefully the gods will have some advice.

"Come on Sunspot!" You shout from the entrance of the Battlegrounds. "We won't have much time to battle Ares!" 

He would sign something back but he wasn't sure how good your eyesight was. Then again, it would be funny either way.

Sticking a middle finger at you with his head tilted to the side brought some satisfaction. With your hand at your chest it brings out a silent laugh from him. Agitated or not it could only be taken as humourous to you when coming from him. 

Affirming that you could make out his signs he slides down the hill. 

"This match is telling me a lot more than I figured it out about you." Now face to face this makes you raise an eyebrow. 

"What do you mean? It's nothing you haven't seen before."

"I'm seeing a lot more context and reasoning behind our earlier encounters." He walks past you. "Need more shield?" 

Nodding and with a shrug of your shoulders your efforts from earlier are placed in vain. 

Time ticking, 5 players left on the field, you had to replenish quickly if you are going to have a fair fight with Ares in time.

You did not need to pay for an expensive meal after how this is going. 

(759 Word Count)

Therapist Sunspot needs to be paid. 

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now