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Finding a Chug Splash was much easier this time around. Sunspot tosses the batch of cans for you to throw down.

"Want to fill me in who those, 'friends' were." Sunspot signs with air quotations on the 'friends' bit. Crossing his arm as he was not letting this topic go. 

"We had a falling out, things are dodgy between us at best." You quickly ramble, not wanting to stay the topic. "It doesn't involve you, it's not important anymore can we just drop it?"

"You're doing that thing again."

"What thing?" You say with an exasperated sigh, turning your body away to shut the conversation. Hearing Sunspot's shoes run towards you only serves to agitate you.

"You close yourself off," His movements are swift and stiff. "Whenever we get into something you don't like, you just shut it down." 

"Because it's not your problem, It's mine to deal with." You were trying to keep your voice level, heat creeping up your neck. 

"It's clearly not working out is it?" He signs harshly. Thoughts swarm your mind, things that could be retaliate with, things he simply didn't know, but you bite back. There was truth to what he was saying. 

Sunspot continues, "It's not easy to hear, I'm sorry. I don't know what you're feeling or going through but that's exactly it. I don't know." His body relaxes, but not his hand movements. "What you're going through is affecting, us." 

He pauses a moment, letting his statement linger. 

"If you don't want to talk about it, then fine. But all I ask," There's a twinge of guilt rising in your chest. "is to communicate." 

Your eyes dart down, a slight nod of acknowledgment. Feeling a tap on your shoulder Sunspot signs. 

"Need a hug?" You look down to the ground and nod again. Your face scrunching, doing your best to not cry but failing miserably. Feeling his arms wrap around your shoulders into the embrace has you hiccup and release a soft sob. The gentle rubbing of your back is comforting, his hand emitting a soft warmth where it traveled. In general, his body has a warmth to it, nothing overheating but warmer than a regular human. As if warm blankets were just taken out of the dryer.

"I'm sorry, I really am." You're voice cracking, "I don't know why I've been acting like this. I'm just, scared." You confess.

Pulling back just enough so Sunspot can sign, assuring you could see. "What has you so scared?"

It takes a minute for your words to come out, "Too much, being too much. Everything happening again..." You rest your forehead on Sunspot's chest prompting him to hold you. 

"Of Imani," You choke out. "Of Dara." Your voice is breathless at the last name. 

Sunspot pats your back, worried plastered on his face. What could have possibly happened to make you react like this? You did mention it's been a while since you've had a friend. That sort of social and commitment absence can do a number on someone. The question is for how long?

Now he wasn't a savior, he wasn't someone to say the right things nor fix your problems in one day. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath. It wasn't an obligation for him to stick around, guilt could play a role but that went only so far. He would try his best to be there for you within reason, whatever would be healthy.

As your sobs grew quieter, your breathing steadied, the moment was interrupted by a gunshot that successfully struck your back. Cursing as quickly wiped your tears to the best of your ability. 

Sunspot pulls you behind him as he brings out his gun. The enemy in front of you making their way down the hill you two scaled down earlier. Clad in black and yellow you reach for Sunspot's arm. 

In a loud whisper, you tell him, 

"That's Dara."

(644 word count)

oh boy oh boy the dramaaaaa. I hope y/n isn't coming off as too mean-spirited so far ;;; You just got a lot going on alshd  Very excited to write the chapters where you and Sunspot bond! 

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now