One More To Go

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Sunspot and you watch the pair of players come up over the hill. Your spot at the 2nd floor of a building within the battlefields gives you the higher ground. Taking your aim with the longest-range weapon you have, you pull the trigger. Bullets missing and some making their mark. Sunspot is right beside you doing the same yielding better results. 

The pair build their fort for cover quickly once they note the direction of the fire. 

"Should we wait here or move forward?" You ask Sunspot, not moving your attention from your target. 

"Let's wait for their return fire, see if they can hit us from here." Sunspot signs to the best of his ability with one hand. 

A head pops up from the top of a wall, no glint, signaling one of them didn't have a scope/sniper. Which was good for the two of you. While pillars and the general building is good cover a sniper's bullet and aim could always make its way through the gaps. 

Sunspot takes some damage and hides behind the pillar. Each bullet slowly wears down his cover. He just had to wait for the enemy to reload to take his chance.

Another head pokes out from the side of the enemy cover. No glint, no snipe. The gun spewing in more frantic directions, primarily wearing away the pillars than hitting you. Opting for such wide fire meant they were deliberately trying to knock down your cover or they had no other weapon for further range.

Said enemy slowly walks away from the fort, still shooting before bolting towards the building's blind spot. It would be possible for the player to scale the wall to where Sunspot and you are to which you had to think quickly. 

"Sunspot I'm going down!" You jump from between the gaps of the pillars down to savannah wild grass. The enemy takes their first high jump to reach the ledge.  

Quickly building a wall for cover behind you, you switch your weapon to something of closer range. Getting his foot, leg, hip, and back as your aim gets better. It didn't last long as the player was able to pull themself up the ledge, onto the floor Sunspot is. 

The sound of wood collapsing makes you curse alongside the pain of bullets at your side. Following the same climbing path as the person you were chasing, you pull yourself away from being a sitting duck. 

It was close-quarter combat between Sunspot and the enemy. Dodges and jumps to stay alive, reloads taken in turn. Pulling yourself up from the ground you take your trusted Pistol, landing shots, completing the gunfire as the person drops to the ground.

Still holding on as their status bar slowly ticks away.

Rapid succession fire from a Thunder Burst SMG downs Sunspot, whipping your head to see the other half of the pair standing near the area you were scoping at the start of this fire exchange.

You were sweating bullets, hands shaking as you bring up your gun. There wasn't much left to your health either.

You could feel each bullet make its way out of the chamber, the recoil vibrating down your arm to your shoulder. Two shots in the head of the enemy, the cold sweat on your body is ever present as they drop. The pair now dissipating into code, their loot dropped. 

2 teams left.

Quickly dropping to your knees you place a hand on Sunspot's back, a soft blue glow emanating as he is slowly revived from his downed state. The process of revival sends a cooling sensation through Sunspot's body, a sense of calm and comfort washing over him. Raising his head he gives you a thumbs up. 

"Nice shot."

(611 Words) 

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