Small Touches

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Being as gentle as Sunspot can be he grabs your arm, pulling you in a familiar direction. The priority being to find a medkit for you and tend to his health plus shield, as little as damage he may have taken. 

Coming across a few slurp barrels he makes quick work of them by making a build to crush them. Some of the sticky splash falling onto you, healing as a result. More was needed as the clock ticked, the storm begins to shrink, bringing any player who was lagging behind closer to where you were. 

A 'Banana of the God's' is spotted by you just a bit away to your right. Suspot having already been more than a few steps ahead you, you decide to make the run for it.

Managing to spot the brief pause of your footsteps followed by a sudden dash has him stop in his tracks. Turning to look behind him only for you to be gone. Heart stopping for a moment he dashes to where you were previously, head turning to look to the left and then right. 

Your eyes widen as you spot a player appear ahead of you, the glint of their scope signaling their aim. Transitioning your dash into a slide, pulling yourself backward as your shoulders get as close to the ground as possible without losing momentum. Knees and legs stinging just a bit from the dust and pebbles under you. 

However, the bullet manages to scrape the tip of your nose and forehead during the transition. A knick to trade for the banana that would heal you to full health was worth it. Instead, Sunspot is the one met with a bullet to his hip. 

Seeing you manage to grab the fruit and with a last burst of energy find cover in a building brings some relief. As long as you keep low for now as you heal up, you'll make it to Ares. 

With this newfound relief, Sunspot brings out his gun and aims at the assailant. Of course with a Mythic weapon from Zeus things would be quick. 

Quickly seeing your health replenish and Sunspot within your line of sight taking aim, you thank him from your distance. Catching his attention for a moment with a shy smile of acknowledgment. 

With the bullets filling the air you venture further into your small cover. Finding some bullets on the ground but nothing to heal with. A chest behind some vases brings a breath of hope for you as you bring out your axe to break the barrier. A few quick swings breaks one of the clay pots with a loud crash that resonates through your head. It was never a pleasant sound.

Reaching a hand in attempt to open the latch for the chest comes with no avail. With a huff and furrowed eyebrows in frustration, you bring yourself back to your feet. Pulling your axe back for a swing the sound of footsteps from above make you freeze.

The air is eerily still with a lack of gunfire.

"Sunpot had to have won." you thought. Considering how he was able to beat Zeus without too many scratches you had faith that he was still alive. 

That is until you hear another set of footsteps approaching you, not sounding from above but right on the same level. You stood still, unsure of what would be the right course of action. Your heart picks up speed when the footsteps from above start again. 

Two sets of tapping shoes, only one could be Sunspot. 

Coming into your field of vision are colors of muted pink and dark purples reflecting blue hues. 


Your eyes widened in surprise it was a rarity for you to see her in a match that wasn't ranked. Meaning that Dara couldn't be far behind, a very high possibility that whoever you heard upstairs could be her. Where would that leave Sunpot though? 

Imani shouts your name, in a panic you run out of the building leaving the chest behind, cutting the rest of her sentence short. 

At the top of the building you were just in, Sunspot catches your figure bolting out from under.  A sparkle of joy radiates in him knowing you were okay. His smile quickly falters when another figure bolts right behind you. Noting that you were dangerously low on health with only whatever shield you had left he chooses to aim. 

Several consecutive shots make your skin run cold. While death isn't permanent, and pain isn't unbearable the adrenaline of competition still runs deep within human nature. Holding yourself against a pillar your heart is pounding, cold sweat dripping down your neck, yet you still stand. 

With stiff legs, you turn around and you see the fallen weapon of Imani. Her items scattered on the floor. Amongst them, a med kid. eyesight traveling up you spot Sunspot on the top floor above of where you were just seconds ago, waving at you. 

With an ever-bright smile he points to the items on the floor, specifically the medkit with a thumbs up. Getting the signal you return a shaky smile; pushing yourself off the wall, walking the short distance before your knees give out amongst the dropped items. 

Jumping off the level Sunspot stood he quickly makes his way to you. Building a cover of four walls and a roof, no windows. You were already in the process of patching your self up, strands of hair sticking to your skin as you try to catch your heavy breathing. Taking the gauze in your hand Sunspot takes over patching you up. 

"We're safe now. There's only 3 more teams left, we have time." He signs, pushing your chin up to look at him for a moment. He motions upward with his hand, his chest rising as he takes a deep inhale. You follow in suit, understanding that you need to gather yourself. Holding the breath and then exhaling, he repeats this a few times with you.

"What do you mean teams?" You question and that information settles in. You were sure the two of you had entered a solo match.

"Looks like we're in duos." He signs plainly. "I can see your stats apparently so..."

"That makes a lot of sense, I hadn't realized" You trail off. "But we set it to solo, no?"

Sunspot shrugs at this. "Maybe a glitch? Same reason how we kept matching?"

Nodding at this explanation it makes sense to a degree. Feeling a hand over yours your gaze lifts up.

Assuring you seem in control and grounded Subspot continues the patch up. His hands are gentle on your arm, the gauze having just enough pressure to seem comforting. Although ample light to see within your little fort the soft glow from Sunspot and his backpack offer an ambient illumination. 

While focused on getting you to full health his eyes would dart from your arm to you. Checking in on how you were fairing until he was finally done, tossing the empty kit to who knows where.

"You doing okay?" He signs.

Distracted for a moment you nod after your short pause.

"Yes, I'm good, I'm okay Sunspot." You cough to the side. Sunspot pats your knee before getting up, creating a door in his building for you two get out. Holding out his hand to help you up your hand fills his perfectly. As he pulls you up a glint of a spinning card makes your stomach churn. 

Dara had to be coming for that card soon. 

(1,262 word count)

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