Sometimes You Just Gotta Be Petty

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"Hold on a minute." Dara places her gun to the side when she sees your form from behind the red-hooded sun. She says your name in a very questioning tone, prompting you to ever so slightly bring yourself from behind Sunspot. 

"Oh my god, it is you!" Dara's voice is laced with excitement as she runs towards the two of you. Prompting a confused look from Sunpot as he steps to the side, you really wish he hadn't, his gaze switching between you and Dara. 

Enrapturing you in a twirling hug your arms hurt from the pressure of it. An awkward smile and laugh coming from you as you let this play out as much as you didn't want to. Sunspot shrugging upon noting your demeanor, unsure of what could be the right course of action. 

Dara seemed nice after all. 

"It's been forever since I've seen you outside of solos!" Dara lets you go, taking a step back to take you in. "Have you been crying?" 

She immediately turns her glare to Sunspot. "He doesn't happen to be involved, would he?" Her tone more accusatory than a question, her hand on your shoulder as she tilts you away from him. 

"No,no, Sunspot and I are good." You quickly clear up, placing your hand on Dara's arm to guide it off your shoulder. Taking a step back once out of her hold. 

"Oh, okay." Dara's demeanor immediately changes, facing Sunspot with a hand out. "Dara, longtime friend of there's." 

Your eyes squint in disapproval at this statement but it doesn't last long. Although behind Dara there was no need for your emotions to get out of hand again. Sunspot, however, reaches out his own hand. Slowly, almost hesitant to shake Dara's. 

"Sunspot," He signs earning an eyebrow raise from Dara, "[y/n's] new friend." There was that more firm signing you've come to know. 

"ASL huh? Cool, cool." Retracting her hand from the shake Dara shoves them in her pockets. "Have you guys run into Imani?" 

"Took her down, actually." You say 

"Dang, didn't think you'd be able to short-stuff." Dara tilts her head with a smile, a slight nod. "Maybe you'll be able to join us again for some real matches, eh?" She playfully punches your shoulder. Earning another awkward laugh from you.

"Well, it was more-so, Sunspot." You rolled your wrists and fiddled with your hands. Dara's attention went to him.

"You have skill then, dude. You should be going in ranked if you can defeat Imani." 

"Not interested." He signs with a tilted smile. 

"Just playing for fun then? That's alright, not everyone can be a top player." Her tone playful. "Make sure to teach them well, and when you're done tutoring hit me up okay?" 

Dara brings out her menu and quickly adds Sunspot, the ding from his cell notifying a successful connection.

"I'll get going then, storm's gonna shrink and we aren't the only ones on the island after all." There's a pep to her step, her hand patting Sunspots left shoulder as she walks in his direction, pausing for a moment. "Word of advice, be patient with them, don't expect much, and you'll improve more with people in your league. That's from experience."

This made Sunspot snap his head to his left. His eyes are wide, confusion easily written on his face, making you worry. One last pat on his shoulder and she walks away. A seed of disgust forms at the pit of his stomach as he watches her figure. 

Walking up to him you ask, "Did she say anything?"

"A whole lot of bullshit that's what." Pulling himself up to a high ground he takes aim at the yellow clad girl. Successfully getting in damage before she begins to sprint for cover. 

"GOOD AIM!" Dara yells from her distance, a thumbs up in the air. A hissing sound grows louder from behind her followed shortly by a burst of flames. Some other player had thrown a grenade in her direction successfully killing her for the match.

Turning your head to look up at Sunspot his movements stutter for a moment.

"I didn't plan for that, I swear." He signs. "Though I'm not debating the outcome. I did not like her vibes."

A sense of ease washes over you, glad that someone agrees with you. 

"Who does she think she is?" He hops down from where he stands. "Play with people in your own league?" He rolls his eyes. "Pretentious much?"

This gets a laugh from you.

"Was she always like that?"

"She was always the one hung-up on the sponsorships." You shake your head and kick the dirt at your feet. "There's a team making their way over though, right?"

Sunspot nods, "And you still gotta defeat Ares, fair and square."

"Come on! You're not gonna give me a break after my emotional vulnerability?" You place the back of your hand on your forehead dramatically. 

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you after all of this is over." Sunspot shakes his head with a soft smile. 

"Hey, now, woah!" You put your hands in front of you. "Why are you saying like that?" Voice raised, playfully tucking your hair behind your ear, a single raised eyebrow and playfully bashing your eyelashes.

Catching onto your little joke this does get Sunspot a quiet laugh. 

(877 Words)


Sunspot is a lil smooth even if he doesn't realize it at first. oh me oh myy

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