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"So, deadass, you take a bunch of these little guys," Sunspot holds up a singular sesame seed. "Press it down, and milk it to make sesame oil?" 

"Why did you have to say it like that." You say through laughter. 

"I'm here learning, and that's all about making connections." Sunspot places the seed down on his plate. "To which brings my next question, if I add milk can I make sesame milk like they do with all the other nuts?"

"This is a seed, Sunspot." Your lip quivers at trying to compose yourself. 

"And an oat is a grain, your point being?" Sunspot grabs his chopsticks, bringing an eel nigri to his mouth. The palm of your hand flat against the table as you cover your mouth with the other in a not-very-good job to stifle your laughter.

"What?" Sunspot's giggles join in. "I'm being serious!"

The way tears form in your eyes from laughing so hard brings a sense of pride into him. His face glowing from the shared joy in the moment. 

Thanking the waiter for their work as the check is paid and stomachs full you two are greeted to a bustling sight. The smells of the busy restaurants, street food, and taverns with rowdy bouts of laughter fill your senses. Those who turned in after a long day of battles fill each small shop to boast about their wins. Warm lights fill the streets, clanks of glasses in cheers and good wishes. 

A Battle Bus passes overhead, with plenty of players ready for combat. The island far off in the distance never touching the shadows of night. Ever ready for the constant slew of players. 

The crowd of people whizz past Sunspot and you, some in a rush others taking their time. Few bumping shoulders while a pair glare at each other from running into one another. A particular person in your line of standing rushes past, turning their body to squeeze by. Their shoulder slams against yours as they adjust, only a quick apology barely uttered as they continue their way.

Sunspot's arm comes up to land on your shoulder that was slammed into, pulling you in closer.

"Don't want to lose you." He signs. You two make your way through the crowd, ample walking and yet not enough. It felt as if you bumped into someone's foot every couple of steps, not to the degree of tripping but certainly stopping your momentum. 

Spotting a clearing you tap Sunspot's chest to grab his attention. He looks down at you before anything else, noting where you are pointing at. Pockets of empty spaces amongst people within their groups offer just enough of a resting point. 

Pushing against the crowd to cut through to the clearing some people cursed while others didn't mind. 

A railing that separated land from the steep drop to the ocean below was your sanctuary. Waves crashing against the edge, spouting droplets onto your face. Cries of seagulls circling about the clear sky, attracted by the hotspot of foodstuffs. Amongst the clattering of feet and buzzing of voices, serenity blankets over.

The water muffles everyone's voices, the temperature cool compared to the bodies crammed together in the area. You flush yourself closer to Sunspot's warmth, hand on his chest. His scent is comforting, warm just as he has always been the times you've been this close. 

You were still in Sunspot's hold.

Realizing this you pull away, wiping your hands on your legs.

"Thanks for...not getting us lost there...or rather me." Your nerves were showing. "You, losing me is what I'm saying. Y'know!" You quickly shut up with an awkward smile, body half turned to face the water thus away from the moment. 

Shaking his head you could swear you saw a tint of redness clear up from his face.

"Yeah, I mean..." Sunspots shakes is hands by his wrists, "It would be a bad way to end the night if I just lost you like that." His feet roll on the balls of his heels, fidgeting.  

You nod while you turn your head to look at the crashing waves. The last of the sun's rays disappearing into the distance, the  starts lighting up one by one as the curtain in pulled by to reveal each one of them in the sky. The quarter moon shining brightly in it's place like a crystal.

The air becomes colder, your hand holding onto the metallic railing. Colder than you thought, keeping your grip loose. Pebbles tumbling on the stone ground enters your field of hearing but you don't place it to mind. 

A tap of your shoulder does.

"Do you like the ocean?" Sunspot signs.

You think for a moment before giving a detailed answer on your thoughts on the mass body of water. A sigh is released at the end of your spiel followed by a shiver down your back.

"Cold?" Sunspot asks.

"Not really, just one of those ghost-shiver things." You reply honestly. A thought does come across your mind as it focuses on his red jacket. "Actually, it is a little cold."

"Now your just saying to get to my jacket, aren't you?" He raises his eyebrows, catching you in your act.

"What! No..."You dramatically turn your head away, hugging your shoulders. "I'm just a poor person who's shivering from the frigid temperatures by the water." 

"I'm sure you're simply going to die out here if a poor soul doesn't sacrifice his jacket for you."

You tack on some fake sniffles to the end of his words.

"At least tell me where you got it?" You slow turn back to him, a weary smile as you admit the act. 

Removing the jacket so Sunspot stands in his white turtleneck he holds the jacket towards you.

"Oh, no dude I'll be okay, seriously." You push the item back towards him. Nudging it back towards you he insists.

"You're going to be thinking about it." His hand movements practically sign in a sing-song manner. He wasn't wrong, you had been wondering for a while since it looked so full and well-shaped all the time. 

"Okay, okay." Defeated, you take the sweater and pull your arms through the sleeves. "Woah, wait." You quickly scramble to get the rest of the jacket on, zipping it up.

"I know, I know, I have immaculate taste." A spark of pride emotes from him as he looks at his nails. 

Warmth radiates through your body. Filling every part you didn't even think was chilly.

"Is this electrical? Like, built-in heating?" You hug the garment closer. 

"Nope, all me me." Sunspot cracks his knuckles, following it by stretching his arms up. Seeing your soft expression and contentment from such a simple thing warms his body. 

"I knew you had your own radiating warmth going on but this is another deal completely." Your eyes squint with a smile. Sunspot's expression was soft, his eyes holding a glimmer that you hadn't seen before. The turtleneck fits him well, something that you could get used to. 

Something was stirring, something you rather liked. 

(1176 Word Count)

"Can you guys kiss now?" I say as I'm the writer. 

I force thee unto the medium burn. 

Starbursts (Sunspot Fortnite X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now