Detect and Gaze

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"There's no way I can fight Zues!" You protest as the car stops at the foot of Mount Olympus. "Not not now especially."

"Relax, we're not going to fight him now." Sunspot signs once out of the driver's seat. A glint in his eye that you noted. Your eyes continue to follow him as he jumps up the base of a statue to open up the chest sitting at its feet, happily rummaging as you pass through the entrance. 

While the area was beautiful you didn't land here often for the chests often were hit or miss on what they'd give you. Not a great starting point. Opening up ammo boxes is what you focused on, while killing people would have you replenish whatever you lost it really depending on how much ammunition they dropped. 

Passing by the statue that would have to be broken to summon Zeus you take a moment to look at it. The marble is intricately designed to represent the god that you would battle. Your gaze travels up the steps to Zeus' throne, fires flickering from never-ending flames. The sight made whatever natural breeze passing through so much colder. 

Bringing yourself back to reality you scope out a chest up some stairs to the side. Filling your inventory with some cans of Chug Splash you couldn't be more grateful that their production was brought back. Truly the most convenient item to ever be introduced. 

A crashing of marble makes your heart sink. Quickly pocketing your find you turn the corner to see at the bottom of the steps shards of the statue you were just admiring. The one in front of the pedestal that it was on, Sunspot. 

A summon of lighting instantly brings forth Zeus. 

"Sunspot, what a sight for sore eyes." The booming voice laughs."Come for a fair fight again?" The god of lighting brings forth his weapon.

"Just a demonstration for my friend."Sunspot quickly signs, using his thumb to point to his side in the direction of the staircase you were standing on top of.

"I remember when I would do the same thing courting more than a few people on earth." This comment makes Sunspot roll his eyes with a face-palm at the end. 

"It's not like that." Sunspot's looks at you for a moment before looking back at him. Zues purses his lips together. His eyes go from Sunspot to you, and back again a few times. Coughing to ease the air followed by a stretch of his shoulders. 

"Seems like I'm a bit early," Zeus says to himself. "Well, let's get on with this then!" Bringing up his gun the fight immediately starts. Taking a step back you always forget that Zeus' fight starts immediately. Being where you are should keep you safe from the fight but that wouldn't be a guarantee. 

With a successful, and more importantly, consistent head shot it doesn't take long for Sunspot to down the god. A sphere of static and lighting encapsulates Zeus, charging him for a 2nd phase as foot soldiers are summoned. Missing from the first half of the action this eased your senses a little at the familiar sight. 

Sunspot was currently hiding behind a pillar as the henchmen are knocked out one-by-one. His demeanor calm and collected as he reloads. This was a stark contrast of what you've known him by, bright, silly and very much unserious. A burst of positive energy despite what you may put out. It could be that it was Zeus that it required more of his attention but the way his eyebrows furrowed, even the manner in which his tongue would stick out a bit when aiming seemed more intense. 

Finally having charged up and the soldiers out of the way Sunspot recovers some of the shield using a small shield potion. Only then does he run to the opposite stair case in the room, using the pillars as shields for the lighting that Zeus summons down. Using the gaps in between to damage the god and continue this moment even past this summoning. 

This had to be one of the quickest fights you've ever seen with one of the gods. Seeing how the both were well acquainted it only made sense that Sunspot would have a strategy that made quick work. 

Hopefully, he accounted for other players to interrupt the match since in the corner of your eye you spot a player approaching. Aiming for either Zeus or Sunspot, either way this was not happening on your watch. 

Bringing out your gun you shoot at the approaching player, momentarily gaining the attention of Sunspot before quickly going back to his own battle. The player is now focused on you, it becomes a one-on-one match. The area filled with gunshots, taps of boots landing on stone and marble. 

The 'tink' of gold slices its way through the air of fire. 

Sunspot has successfully taken down Zeus but the last charge of lighting had not dissipated. Within its line of damage, you and the player in front of you were barely within its sphere. Killing the player before you while you take on serious damage. The fight was completed however, Sunspot had the medallion, you had survived. 

Rushing to you to check on your status sunspot passes you some small potions. Scouting for chests in the area as you drink. Having the medallion reveals a general area of his location, being only recently shown with a closing storm circle it doesn't take a genius to figure out someone had gained Zeu's medallion. With the gunfire, it was like ringing the dinner bell for cattle. You two had an unknown limited amount of time before players keen on eliminating enemies were to sniff you out. 

Watching this panic unfold from the clouds above in an omnipotent view was Zeus.  Stroking his beard as two players quickly approached your area. Pondering what Ares and Aphrodite could possibly see within the both of you two move heaven and earth for your meeting. To bring in the gods into such a realm.

(1,010 Word Count) 

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