It's Not That Hard to Tell

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Sunspot's mind is filled with what Ares had said just moments before. An uncomfortable warmth throughout his body, his head a bit light. Thoughts rushed on what could that mean- 

'You have my blessing then.'

The materialization of the ground below him, quite literally, grounds him. The spring breeze cooles his warm skin in some form of relief. Thoughts and rationalizations ran through his head as the world came into view.

'We were talking about battles. He asked about ranked, nothing behind those words.' The star thought as he looked down at the medallion necklace. Holding the gold between his fingers before rapidly shoving it under his hoodie once you came into view. Giving you a wave and strained smile. 

"You are going to be in a world of hurt." You say with pride as you cross your arms. "Told you I could beat Ares." You stick your nose up in the air, hands on your hips.

"Never doubted you for a second." Sunspot's fingers interlace with themselves at the end of his statement. Rocking on his heels the star fidgets with his hands before releasing his grasp to continue the conversation. 

That is,  until you spoke first, "Looks like you have something on your mind."

A wave of panic ignites through Sunspot, heat rising to his face. It was times like these that he wished he was the more stoic type.

"Dude, woah, you look like you're going to pass out." Your hand holds onto his shoulder, your other on his chest as you guide him towards an empty bench. His heartbeat rushes against the palm of your hand. "I'm going to get you some water."

Sunspot keeps his sight to nowhere in particular. Shutting his eyes as he tugs at the collar of his shirt to fan himself. Ares' words flood his mind again, he shouldn't be this hung up about it. The two of you don't know each other well much less seem to have any romantic chemistry.

Maybe in some instances, if you were to squint he could see something but worry and care is vital when it comes to a battle royal. It's what friends do. 

Yes,  you were attractive, many people are. Yes, he thought you were cool and funny it's the whole reason he wanted to befriend you.

But romance? 

Maybe he was overthinking things.

Maybe he was assuming too much.

There it was again, assuming. 

By the time he hears your footsteps come close as you present the cold water bottle to him, he is much calmer. No longer is he analyzing your past interactions, nor is his heart jumping out of his chest. All is still.

His gaze lifts to meet yours, and just as his body was slowing down the world seems to follow with it. The way the sun brings out the color in your eyes, their shape, and the length of your lashes. He hadn't realized how gemlike they were. 

"Thank you," He signs as he takes the water bottle. The condensation on the outside feeling fresh against his fingertips. 

"Did something happen with Ares back there?" The crackling of the cap being twisted off rings crisp in your ears. Sitting next to Sunspot as he drinks from the bottle. Maybe you should have gotten one for yourself. 

"Is it that obvious?" Signs Sunspot, scrunching in his shoulders as his eyebrows do the same. 

"It's not that hard to tell when it comes to you," You place an arm along the top of the bench. "No offense, though." you quickly tack on.

"None taken, can't really change that when it comes to sign language."

"Does it bother you?"

"Does, what, bother me?" Sunspot drops his shoulders, shifting his body so he faces you more. 

"Needing to sign all the time? You gotta get mad cramps sometimes."

"Oh! I thought you were gonna ask about being easy to read." Sunspot admits.

"Well, that too. It's good to be honest and upfront." Sunspot throws you a knowing glare. "I know, I know. But for something that's so natural it has to be frustrating at times."

"The frustrations would come in aspects that would surprise you." Sunspot shakes his head, "But back to your question, signing is very...tiring sometimes." 

"Would it be okay to ask?" Your pitch raises a little. Teetering on if it would be considerate to ask.

"I don't mind," He signs. "Most people just accept the fact which is nice which I think is just the case for me." 

This puzzles you for a moment before he continues explaining. "I just do it, talking doesn't feel natural. I'm capable, I've done it before, but please don't ask that I say something."

You nod your head as it makes sense. Some form of non-verbal was the best you could describe.

"Thanks for sharing, Sunspot." a soft smile graces your features. "I hope it didn't make you uncomfortable or anything."

"No, no not at all." He quickly follows behind your sentence. "I hope it doesn't become much of a bother with all the...signing and...*this*" He waves an open palm across his face. "Like earlier, I really scared you there."

"You really did." You playfully punch his arm. "Want to go to the sushi place you wanted?"

"But that was only if you lost." Sunspot signs, his current thoughts being moved to the back of his mind. 

"Well..."You shrug. "After crying, a reunion, and let's not forget we still got a win, I think we earned ourselves a bit of an indulgence." 

Sunspot can't help but smile in agreement, a smile of your own rising. That smile of yours brings an ease in him. 

"We're splitting the bill then." 

"You better not go ordering from the last page then." You threaten with a finger. Sunspot simply whistles and looks away. "Sunspot!" 

(947 Word Count)

*Holding a doll of you and sunspot about to kiss* No...not yet. *puts them down* 

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