This is Skylor

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Kais POV

I wake up at around 5:40, a little bit later than usual but I let myself sleep in. I sit up and look at the room. I see Skylor asleep and Wyldfyre snoring. I get up and head out for some breakfast. I see most of the team up since we're usually up at 5:00 am. "Morning,Kai" Cole says sipping on some coffee "Good morning, Kai" Zane greets me "Whats for breakfast?" I yawn. "bacon" Zane responds. I sit down at the table that had a "someone woke me up Lloyd" and "don't talk to me Nya". Zane gives us plates of bacon and we munch on them. Master Wu just showed up out of nowhere, none of us saw him come out of his room. Master stuff, I guess. I finish up breakfast and head back to our bedroom. I saw Skylor on her phone and Wyldfyre still snoring. Wyldfyre always wakes up late but I want her to take her to the library to teach her a few basics and I wanted to take Skylor with me.

Skylor and I have been dating for just two years and I we recently took Wyldfyre in because she has an elemental power. Wyldfyre moved in just a few weeks ago, but she practically lived here before that. Honestly, Wyldfyre means the world to me and so does Skylor. Even though Wyldfyre is crazy, I'm crazier and can deal with it. "Morning, babe" I greet her sitting at the edge of our bed. She hums in response then gets up with the messiest hair. I chuckle at her look "Shut up" she says covering her face. I get up and grab her hairbrush than sit behind her to brush her hair. "Sky,you should go to my hair treatments sometimes, I can feel it going dry." I tell her "Sure,Kai. One day in a million years." she says sarcastically. I finish brushing her hair and we hear Wyldfyre violently sit up and rub her eyes. She examines the room she's in and sees us "Kai?" she says groggily "Morning, Wyldfyre" I greet. She gets up and leaves the room. Skylor looks at me and giggles "What?" I ask "She's like a replicate of you" she says now fully laughing "She is not!" I say "Not even close" I say while Skylor still laughs.

We both get out of our pajamas and come out of the room to see everyone,up snd ready. We approach Wyldfyre who is playing around with Nya "Wyldfyre come here" I call her. she rolls her eyes and walks over "What?" she asks a bit annoyed "Hey! Don't do that. Its rude" I say. "Anyway, this is Skylor" I introduce them "Hey kid" Skylor says to her "Ohh so this is the Skylor your talking about." Wyldfyre says "He talks about you none stop. He keeps on talking about your delicious noodles and your hair- Wait, your hair" Wyldfyre says looking at Skylor's hair. Wyldfyre stays silent until "I-Its...pretty" she suddenly says. "Thanks, I look yours too" Skylor says. Wyldfyre walks away quickly "I think she likes you" I tell her "Your serious?" Skylor asks "Yes. You know, Lloyd was the one who found her. Their still beefing" I tell her. "Wyldfyre, come back here!" I call her again "What do you want Kai?!" she asks annoyed "What did I just say?" I say "Sorry" Wyldfyre says still annoyed"We're going somewhere, get your stuff" I tell her "Yes! Where are we going?" Wyldfyre asks "The library" I respond "The library?! Thats so boring" Wyldfyre says "Yeah and Skylor is coming too" I tell her "I am?" Skylor asks "Mhm,grab your bag. Let's go" I tell them. 

We get to the library and we find a spot. I grab a few children's books to see how well she can read. "What am I suppose to do with this?" Wyldfyre says "Read them. See what you like and we'll take them home." I tell her. "Okay, I guess. Whats this supposed to do?" Wyldfyre asks "Kai, these books for 8 year olds. She's like, 14" Skylor says "Hey! I'm 15!" Wyldfyre says "What do you suggest,Sky?" I ask Skylor "Harry Potter. Some fantasy will be perfect" Skylor says "Whats Harry Potter?" Wyldfyre asks "W-Well, uh, a boy that has scar on his forehead" Skylor "Theres seven books and-" Wyldfyre cuts her off "Seven books about a guy with an epic scar on his forehead? I want them all!" Wyldfyre says. I chuckle at her reaction "Theres movies too" I tell her "Epic! Can I watch them tonight?" Wyldfyre asks "Sure, its been a hot minute since I've seen them" I reply. We borrow the first book to see how she likes it. We get home and Wyldfyre immediately sits on the couch and starts reading. "Wyldfyre, get up. Your staying in our room" I tell her "Really?" she says as her face lights up "Say thank to who convinced me." I say, referring to Skylor "Thanks, Skylor" Wyldfyre says "Sure, you deserve it, kid" Skylor replies.

we're making progress 👹👹

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