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Kai's POV

I check my schedule, realizing I have to patrol the city. I check the time too, 5:31. I'm late. I shoot up and head to the showers immediately. I take a quick shower but taking my time to get ready. I check the time again, 5:57.
I rush and head to the kitchen to see Cole and ready to leave. "Your late! We've been waiting on you!" Cole says  "Sorry! Woke up late!" I tell him sitting down to have a quick breakfast. After breakfast, I go into my room to grab my sword. I leave a note on top of Skylor's phone telling her to call me when she's awake.

We arrive to city, hiding out in a nearby alley, waiting for a gang to apparently meet up here. "Are we even sure their gonna meet up here?" Cole asks "The commissioner said that a citizen saw a gang meet up here and might be plotting crimes." Zane respond "Just chill, Cole. While we wait, I'm going on my phone." I tell them pulling my phone put from my pocket. "Kai, Master Wu said we aren't allowed to use our phones when on a mission. You know this because you have been caught multiple times." Zane says "Its fine, plus, it might just be a false alarm and there is no gang." I say still on my phone "Whatever you say" Cole says, focusing.

I check on Skylor's number, still no call or text. I text her to remind her about something


K- Skylor don't let Wyldfyre have my ipad shes on punishment lmao

S- Okay, what'd she do?

K- Ur awake why didn't you call me 👹

S- I got lazy

K- Is Wyldfyre still asleep??

S- Yeahh

K*replies to Okay, what'd she do?* She looked through my phone😭 i told her not to everr😭😭

S- Ohhkayy

"Kai here's the gang! Get off your phone, now!" Cole says getting up to fight the group. The gang had 5 members "Easy!" I say leaping in to the fight the gang is picking.

After rounding them all up, we brought them over to the police and went home.

We get home and I head to my room to get changed. I saw Skylor had already gotten up and started her day while Wyldfyre looked like miss sleeping beauty. I'll have to admit, the kid has some features. Of course since I take care of her hair,but still,she has cute dimples that made her look sweet when she would smile. Don't tell Wyldfyre! She'll make fun of me for it!

I sit next to her and gently shook her awake. "Time to get up, Wyldfyre" I tell her. She is also a VERY messy sleeper, her body was sideward a never upwards, which how she should be. Half-asleep, she put her head on my lap, laying sidewards. "Need more sleep" she says "I know. But you won't do anything of you don't get up" I say to her. She groans in response nut finally gets up. She seems really soft today. Sometimes she's nice and okay kid. Most times its an loud and mid okay kid.

Today seems to be a good day because the wants hugs and smiles. She sits up and clings to me, I didn't want to leave her really. "Time to get up,kiddo" I say smiling. She gets up, takes a decent amount of time to shower and get dressed.

"Skylor, can I hug you?" Wyldfyre asks Skylor "Sure!" Skylor says pulling her in for a hug. After the hug, she leaves to play with whatever.

"Are we still going to the salon?" She asks me "Duh. Booked an appointment last night." I inform her.
"I'm so excited! I don't remember the last time I went." she says.

~3:00 PM~

"Kai! Are you ready yet?" Skylor yells from outside of our bathroom. I come out after one last check "Yes" I reply. We head for the monestary doors and Wyldfyre sees us. "Kai? Skylor? Where are you guys going?" Wyldfyre asks curiously "To do chores" Skylor says "Y-Yeah! Not for kids, definitely!" I back Skylor up. "Oh, well technically I'm not a kid." Wyldfyre says "Nice try, your 13. No where near adult" I tell her "We'll bring you something back, kay?" I tell Wyldfyre "Fine..Bye!" she says with happiness. I forgot she woke up feeling nice today.

We get the salon a little bit early since: 1. No traffic and 2. left earlier than planned.

We sit in the waiting room until a fan approached us. "Wow! Aren't you guys Kai and Skylor? I'm such a fan!" the kid says "Can I have a picture? Please?" the kid asks. I look at Skylor first to see if she is comfortable with it, she nods in response and we take the photo. "Before I go, my friend loves the you guys and Wyldfyre! She thinks you guys are soo cute!" the child says "Really? Well, you can tell her that Wyldfyre sends her love." Skylor says "Okay, thanks guys! Your awesome!" the kid says running out the salon. "Cute kid" I tell her "Right?"
Skylor replies.

Our names get called and we start getting massges and relax.

Wyldfyre's POV

I love the Harry Potter book so much! It has to be my favorite. Skylor says its better to read than watching TV. I'm really good at this already. "What the? No more pages?" I ask myself. I finished the book. Great, now I have nothing to do.

I go into Arin and Sora's room since I'm bored. I see them on the floor making a cool looking card. "Hey guys! Watcha doing?" I ask them "We're making pop cards, wanna try?" Arin says "Yes! What for?" I ask them "We're making two for Misako and two for me and Arin's mom and one for Harumi because she's almost like our mother. She makes us feel like siblings, which is awesome." Sors says "Why are you making cards for moms? Did I miss anything?" I ask confused "For mother's day!" Arin says "Oh...I don't really have a mom." I tell them "What about you give Skylor a card? She's also kind of like your mom." Sors says "Great idea! Its gonna be perfect!" I yell.

Arin and Sora told me that I should ask all the girls since their super, supes close to eachother so thats what I'm doing. I knock on Nya's bedroom door and hear Jay yell "Come in!". I open the door to see them on the bed. Jay is playing on his switch and Nya's reading a book. "Hi Wyldfyre, need something?" Nya asks "Yeah, whats Skylor's favorite color?" I ask her "Oh, well if you can't tell, its orange." she replies. "Okay, thanks. Bye!" I say leaving their room.

Next stop is Harumi's bedroom. I knock on her door "Who is it?" she yells "Wyldfyre!" I yell back. She opens the door and lets me in. What question should I ask now? "Hi! Can I help you?" she asks "Uh, if I were to make a card for Skylor, what should put in it?" I ask. She chuckles and says "Well, I would lots of yellow and orange flowers and gold glitter since the loves gold and some purple because thats what her power looks like!" she answers "Yes! Thanks, Harumi!" I say leaving the room.

I turn around since Arin and Sora's bedroom is just across. "I know exactly what to do!" I say.

I have Sora make the base of the card since I kept on failing. I start to cut out some yellow and orange flowers and LOTS of glitter. I make stars because, who doesn't like stars? I cut some purple construction paper into fire since, I have no idea what her pwers look like. I grab a black marker to write "Happy Mother's Day Skylor!"
and a little sticky note, with glitter on all the sides

"Thanks for being like my mom! YOU ARE AMAZING!

-Wyldfyre :)

"I'm done!" I yell after 20 minutes of decorations the card. "Great! We're keeping them in here so that everyone will be surprised that we made them cards" Arin says.

guess who decided to change Wyldfyre's age😈 i changed it so it could match the immature attitude lol

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