Can I borrow your phone?

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Skylor's POV

Me and Wyldfyre are sat on the table figuring put how to do multiplication since the understands addition and subtraction very well. "This is hopeless! I'm never gonna get it right!" Wyldfyre says "What is it you don't understand?" I ask her "What do you mean what do I don't understand? I don't understand any of it!" Wyldfyre replies "Wyldfyre, we're here to help you, what do you not understand?" Kai says finally lifting his head from his phone. "Are you sure WE'RE here to help her?" I say, giving Kai a look. "Y-Yes! Duh! How can I help you, kiddo?" Kai says putting his phone down and facing Wyldfyre.

"How are you suppose to solve 5 X 3?! Its too hard!" Wyldfyre exclaims.


Skylor's POV

Me and Kai are just in our room that is right next to Arin and Sora's room. We here Wyldfyre yelling about how the tutoring sucks and its just the first day. I hear Kai chuckle "What?" I ask him "Its a little bit funny how she's been at it for 20 minutes already" he says "I guess." I reply "Is it bothering you?" Kai asks "No, not really." I say.

While Kai is grabbing his towel to shower, his phone rings. "Its my mom, can you take it?" he asks "Sure, its been a while." I say getting up to grab his phone.

I answer the phone and greet his mom "Hi Maya!". "Skylor! How are you sweetie?" she says "I'm fine, Maya." I reply to her "What about Wyldfyre? How is she? Does she like the cookies I sent home? Its Kai's favorite" Maya asks "She loved them,We barely got a taste of them. She finished them an hour after we got home!" I tell her "Thats wonderful. You guys should come over for Wyldfyre's birthday! Its on the 12th, right?" Maya asks "I'm sure she would love too" I reply "Okay, I hope to see you, dear. I have to go now." she says "Okay, Maya. Bye!" I say "Bye!" she says ending the call.

The call ends and I get up to knock on the bathroom door. "Kai can I use your phone? Mines dead." I ask "Thats fine, babe." he yells.

I sit back down on the bed and watch Netflix.

After a while, I'm pretty bored of watching so I should take pictures of Kai's phone.

I take a few pictures of just random things then fo selfies.

I wonder how much space I occupied, I hope not too much. I should check, right?

I open his photos and immediately see the albums.

I chuckle at the sight of the names. The first one is called "Me🔥" which had a bunch of pictures of himself.

Another one called "Mission pics" that had pictures of the ninja hiding and small spaces. There is also a few photos of them with tied up villains.

I laugh. There is no way he would be taking pictures at the most serious hour.

I leave that album and go to the one called "Ninjass/Family.". It had pictures of the ninjas during the holidays and pictures of his parents and his sister.

I scroll to the very bottom of them all and click on the last photo. I'm shock to see that it is a picture of me and Wyldfyre asleep. "Where did he get this?" I mutter to myself. And then it hits me. That time we fell asleep on the couch. I send the photo to myself and save to my phone on the charger before unsending the picture.

I leave that album and go to the last one that had... pictures of me?

I click on the album to see a whole bunch of photos, 156 to be exact.

I look at all the photos. Wow, where did he get all these. "Are these my profile pictures?" I ask myself. I hear the bathroom door opening and I quickly exit the app.

"What did mom say?" Kai asks "Nothing much, she was just saying hi" I tell him "Oh, and she invited us over for Wyldfyre's birthday" I add. "Really? Thats a great idea. Mom seems to love Wyldfyre anyway" Kai says "We can ask Wyldfyre. Maybe she wants to go." I say "Yeah, definitely. She loves mom's cookies" Kai says.

Kai's POV

I just finished sweeping the front yard of leaves and I finally get to rest and lay down.

I take my phone out to sort some pictures that I took today. I open my photos to be greeted by the photos I took and a few pictures of Skylor. She probably took them While I was in the shower.

I go the my album all about Skylor to see that the photos where already there. "Did she sort these?" I ask myself.

This is embarrassing.. She saw all the pictures I take of her!

Its fine, I don't feel violated, I trust her. I'm just embarrassed.

Well, I'll atleast try to ignore the situation. I hope she doesn't bring it up.

What's going on in Skylor's head:

"I did see all the pictures he has of me, but I hope he doesn't find all the pictures I have of him.."

what do u guys think 😈

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