Big Sister

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Skylor's POV

Two years since we adopted Wyldfyre today. Wyldfyre is 16 now me and Kai got married last year, its a whole thing.

Wyldfyre has been pretty comfortable in her life with us. Me and Kai are 29 and to me, thats a good enough age to start a family.

We're going to tell everyone today. We have been celebrating this day for two years and no one will probably suspect a thing.

"Mom! Nya is asking if you want spaghetti for tonight." Wyldfyre says "Yeah, Sure!" I reply "Okay!" Wyldfyre says going to Nya.

"Hey Babe" Kai says walking into our room. "Hi" I say. He closes the door "Your sure your pregnant?" he asks "I'm sure, why?" I ask him "Nothing" Kai replies "Are you not happy about it?" I ask frowning "What? No, babe. This is amazing" he replies comjng to the bed to lay with me "Okay" I say putting my head on his "What do you think Wyldfyre will say? You think she'll be happy?" I ask stroking his hair "Of course. She's our first kid, she'll be thrilled to be a big sister" Kai says to me "Of course. What was I thinking" I say leaning closer to him.


We all are eating, drinking a little bit and just having fun. Master Wu also decided to stay up later with us and has actually drank a little.

I feel nauseous, like I'm scared and nervous at the same time. I hold Kai's hand next to me and give him a look.

He also gives me a look of "Is there something wrong?"

I get up quietly and Kai follows. I go into a small chill area where it is inly covered by curtains. "Sky, are you okay?" Kai asks concerned. "I don't know. Kai, I'm scared." I say hating what I feel "Skylor, they will be thrilled to find out that other than Mini-Pix, theres gonna be a baby in the monestary." Kai says holding ny hands "I'll be there with you" he assures me.

I sigh, feeling some of the weight lift off my chest.

We open the curtains and see the whole party outside of them.


"Your pregnant?!" The ninjas all say while the others are already jumping and screaming.

"Y-Yes?" I say a bit shocked and nervous

"Surprise?" Kai says in the same tone.

The whole room of silence became a room of excitement and joy. "I'm so happy for you!" Harumi says "Thanks you!" I say.

"Congrats, Kai!" Jay says "Thanks, bolt head" Kai says.

"This means more celebration, Kailor. I'm very happy and proud of the two of you" Master Wu says leaving the room, probably heading back for a sip.

"Did he just...?" I ask completely surprised by what he called us.

"He just did" Kai replies and Wyldfyre approaches.

"I'm a big sister?!" Wyldfyre asks excitedly "Mhm, your gonna have a sibling" I tell her "Oh my! This is amazing! I love it! I love you guys!" Wyldfyre says jumping around and ending it all in a hug.

I melt into the hug, it feels like all my trouble has gone away forever. My life is definitely worth it. Kai, Wyldfyre, the ninja and this new baby is everything to me.


I dress up my little girl and bring her out for the rest of the family.

Everyone is waiting out the door for little baby Zoey. "Hi baby" Nya says holding her arms out for her. "Mom, Dad says he's caught up on something on patrol" Wyldfyre says "Tell him its fine, make sure he's home in a few hours though. Today is Zoey's first month alive" I say chuckling "Okay!" Wyldfyre says texting Kai.

"Zoey sure is one lucky baby" I say joining my family, playing with the baby. "Why so?" Lloyd asks "She has a great family. Full of aunts snd Uncles and many grandparents." I say tickling Zoey a bit. "I can't wait until the rest of you have children" Master Wu says sipping on his tea "Me too" Harumi says and Lloyd gives her a "Uhh, what?" look. I giggle at them.

I'll make sure that all my nieces and nephews will have the best family and happy childhood possible. Because just from the look of it, I know my baby will have a great childhood with so much memories.

THE BOOK IS DONE 💗🎉 TYSM FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READINGGG btw im sorry about the ending but this book honestly was a bit of a blank idea like i thought of it w nothing behind it so thats why the ending is liks thiss TY AGAINNN 🫶🫶💗

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