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Skylor's POV

I leave Harumi and Lloyd's room and Kai soon follows. "Sky! We have to go to Zane downstairs." Kai tells me "Why?" I ask "To have him give us a few lesson plans. He can print them out too!" Kai says. "Oh. I didn't think of that. Lets go." I reply going to the living room and use the elevator going down.

We see Zane and Pixal working on a car. "Hello Kai and Skylor." Pixal says "Hey Pix" I greet her back. "Hey." Kai says then turns to Zane "Zane! Can you help us with something?" Kai asks "Of course Kai. What can I do?" Zane says "Can you print out a few basic lessons in Math, English and..." Kai says forgetting one. "Grammar too" I finish "Sure. I'm working on it right now." Zane tells us.

After he prints all the lessons and activities out, he asks us. "May I ask why you need basic lessons?". "For Wyldfyre. We want to put them in school next month so we wanted to teach Wyldfyre a few things before she goes in." Kai says "Oh. Good luck!" Zane says.

We head back upstairs to see everyone hauling into the living room. "Uhm, What's going on?" Kai says "Lloyd called us in." Arin says. We sit with everyone waiting for Lloyd to talk.

"I called everyone in here because we need your support." Lloyd says looking at us. We now understand what the meeting is about. "Arin,Sora and Wyldfyre, we're gonna put you in school." Lloyd says "SCHOOL?!" the three of them yell. "Wait, what's school?" Wyldfyre says "Its where you learn basically useless things." Sora says "What?! You can't put us in school!" Wyldfyre says "We're doing this for you kids." Harumi says "Yeah but-" Arin is cut off by Lloyd "You guys are young and with everything calm right not, this is an opportunity for you guys.". "Kai! Please don't make us!" Wyldfyre says "I want this for you. We never got a good education." Kai tells her "Who cares! I don't want to!" Wyldfyre responds.

"Wait so Why'd you call all of us here?" Jay asks "Uh oh" Kai says putting down the lessons while Lloyd speaks. "Well, we need your help in tutoring Wyldfyre since she's never been to school." Lloyd says.

"Wha?!-" Wyldfyre yells furious but Kai inturpts and tackles her down. Wait, tackles her down?!

We all get up to see Kai says holding Wyldfyre while she tries to bite him. "Lloyd, better run." Kai says struggling. Wyldfyre growls in response. "Why is she growling?!" Nya says. "She was raised in the Wildness, what do you expect?!" Kai says still struggling. "Babe, are you sure your not hurting her?" I point out "How do we even know if she FEELS pain?" Cole says.

After a while,Kai was able to get up bring Wyldfyre to our room and put her down.

After that all we heard in the room is Kai comforting Wyldfyre about the topic.

I go in to the room to maybe try to help and see Kai just holding Wyldfyre and swaying them around while she cries. "Oh Wyldfyre" I say sitting next to her and rubbing her back. "I can't do it. You can't send me." Wyldfyre says "Come on,flame. Your better than this." Kai says "There will be plenty of things to do at the school." I tell her "You have a party during Christmas and make new friends." I continue "But you'll leave me there." she says "What?" Kai asks confused. "You'll leave me there forever and I won't ever see you again." she tells us "Wyldfyre, you'll see us everyday after school. After a long day we'll pick you guys up and bring you home." Kai tells her "Really?" she asks "Yeah and sometimes we can get ice cream or do something else before we go home." I tell her. "Are you sure?" she asks "We're sure, kid." Kai responds.

"What about the tutoring?" she asks "We're doing that so that you won't have such a hard time when you go into school. All we need is for you to do your part. Is that okay?" I ask her. she nods in response.

Kai's POV

"What about the tutoring?" Wyldfyre asks "We're doing that so that you won't have such a hard time when you go into school. All we need is for you to do your part. Is that okay?" Skylor tells her. Wyldfyre nods in response.

I never noticed that much about how soft Skylor can be and today, I'm reminded that that's the reason I love her so much. I melt at the site of her. I love them both so much. I care for them so much too. When I look at this, everything I do to save them is worth it.

We continue to just hug Wyldfyre and tell her she'll be just fine and soon, she fells asleep. I place her on our bed and let her rest for a few hours.

flame sounds so bad wth😔 Wyldfyre so animal vibes i love it

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