Skylor and Wyldfyre morning

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Skylor's POV

I start to wake up to the sun. I turn to greet Kai but he wasn't there. I shot up and took a look at my phone. I open a chat from Kai.


K- Hey babee we left u and Wyldfyre at the house since you guys dont have plans
K- Call me when u wake up and when Wyldfyre does tell her to do her activity books before she uses the Ipad Thanksss

I chuckle at the message. I get and see Kai also dropped Wyldfyre on the couch. I go out and wash up and energize. I check the time, 8:58 am it read. I open my phone and text Kai.

I call him and he picks up almost immediately. "Good morning, Skylor. How was last night?" Kai says. I could tell he was smirking. "Morning. How was your night? I had a great time" I respond. "Anyway, I called to ask what work books your talking about for Wyldfyre." I ask "Oh, We keep those in one of the bins under the TV. The bin in the middle is Wyldfyre's. We're trying to homeschool them since they didn't really finish up school and.. You know it goes downhill from there." He says "Kay, Looking at them right now" I say "Yeah, and those are all either focusing on hand writing or brain stuffs so you can pick three can do" Kai says "Okay, bye babe" I say "Bye" he says and ending the call.

I go into to the Kitchen start on some break and settle on left over fried rice,eggs and some spring rolls. I finish cooking and head into our room to check on Wyldfyre.

She is still snoring and probably had a late night but she had to get up because who knows what time they'll get back. She has to do her work before they get back so..

I gently pat her awake as she groans in response. "Hey Wyldfyre, time go get up. Kai says you have to do your work books" I tell her "Ugh, seriously Kai? Its so early-" she stops to see me waking her up and not Kai.

"Skylor? I thought you were Kai." she says. "We have breakfast. You want any?" I ask "Yes please!" she says getting up and probably headed to the kitchen.

I go in after her to see her already sitting and waiting. "Watcha waiting for?" I say "Kai says to always wait for the person your eating with when your gonna eat with them. So, Uh-" Wyldfyre says "Oh,okay." I respond seating down and starting to eat.

"Kai says to do your activity books first before the Ipad." I tell her "What?! Please don't make me Skylor!" she says "Sorry,kid. I don't really know if I have a choice." I say "Aww" she responds "I have some stuff to do for the restaurant. If you want we could do them together?" I say "Yes! 100% Yes!" she says "Okay, you can pick the ones you want to do" I say smiling "Yay! Thanks Skylor!" she says.

After qe finish up eating, we clean up and grab our work to do on the dining table.

Wyldfyre picked a Harry Potter,Dragon and Jungle activity books. I grab my calculator and some of the restaurant's expenses and sat down with her.

She opened up her Harry Potter book at got started on a activity. I start calculating the expenses and writing them down.

We both just sat and did our work quietly. Usually, I do this alone with music but this feels a lot better.

~TIME SKIP TO 10:30~

Wyldfyre is on her last activity book which is a more on reading comprehension book. I am still working on the restaurant's billing and taking a look what can be subtracted from our expenses.

Finally, we hear the monestary doors open and the voices of everyone.

"Hey guys! How are your mornings going?" Cole says going to the fridge to grab a piece of cake. "Skylor! Wyldfyre! We're home!" Kai yells "Come on. Let's go say hi" I tell Wyldfyre

We go into the living room and see everyone starting to sit around and rest. "Hey Kai." I say kissing his cheek "Hi Kai! Look at the maze I finished today!" Wyldfyre says pulling Kai's arm "Did you do your activities yet?" Kai says "Almost done!" Wyldfyre says

I head to our room and just chill until Kai enters the room "Thanks for telling her to do her work." Kai says "No problem" I reply "I saw your stuff there to, were you working together?" Kai asks "She hates doing those books. I just did some work with her." I say "Okay, thanks for that." Kai says cuddling up to my side. I chuckle and say "You guys left so early. I missed you." I say facing him.

"We had to help the commissioner with an investigation. Soo boring." Kai says. "Where's Wyldfyre?" I ask "She's with Arin and Sora finishing their work up." Kai says.

"Why don't we put them in real school? Activity books aren't really education." I say "You think so?" Kai asks "Yeah. They need education before becoming a ninja. Especially Wyldfyre. We have no idea where she came from or if she's had a proper education." I state "We can talk to Lloyd and Rumi about it. Lets see what they think." Kai says "Fine with me." I say.

We get up and head to Lloyd and Harumi's room to talk about it.

this took so long to release wth😭 im having such a bad week, I miss school. :( The classmates not the teachers HAHAH

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