Kai and Wyldfyre troubles

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Kai's POV

We get into the car to drive to the noodle house. Me and Wyldfyre are taking Skylor to the noodle house. We get to the noodle house amd drop Skylor off "Bye babe, see you later." kissing Skylor "Bye Kai, Bye Wyldfyre." Skylor says "Bye Skylor!" Wyldfyre says pressing her face against the window as we drive. "Get your face off my window, Kid" I tell her. She gets her face off the window and sits back. "Dramatic much? She's coming back, you know." I tell her she huffs in response "Ice cream? To make you feel better?" I offer "Yes! Thanks Kai!" she says "No problem, kid" I reply chuckling. We get ice cream to eat in the car "Kai, who am I suppose to hang out with at the monestary?" Wyldfyre "Anyone,Sora and everyone else." I respond "Eh, guess I'll just stay with you." she replies while eating her ice cream. We go home and stay in my room to watch the first Harry Potter movie. "Finally! I can watch!" Wyldfyre says "Its pretty old, not gonna lie." I tell her "Huh? How old?" Wyldfyre asks "Like, 25 years old."  I reply.

"Woah, epic! Come on put it on already!" Wyldfyre says. I play the movie and get up to go make some popcorn and grab some snacks. I go into the kitchen to see Cole eating a slice of cake Harumi making tanghulu with Nya and Lloyd. "Yum, can I have some?" I ask putting some popcorn in the microwave. "When their all done, here have a taste." Lloyd says giving me a stick. I bite the sweet grape wirh a crunch "This is so much better then all your other attemps." I complement "Thanks, we'll give you some when we're done, now go! No need to eat anymore!" Nya says "Harsh! I'm grabbing my own snacks! for me and Wyldfyre only!" I tell my sister. The popcorn finishes and grab a bag of candy and go back to my room.

Harumis POV

"Damn, something's up his ass." I state "Rumi!" Lloyd whisper yells and lightly hit my arm "What?" I say "When isn't there?" Nya says giggling.

Kai's POV

"Ooo, popcorn! give me!,give me!" Wyldfyre says reaching her hands out. I hand her the bowl and she munches.

After the movie ends, Wyldfyre keeps keeps on wanting to watch the rest of the films "Skylor says to read the books first, then watch the films. Your not even done with the first and I let you watch it." I tell her. "Ugh!" she says in response "Finish reading that book up and we'll get the second one. Kay?" I tell her "Fine" she agrees but is still annoyed. "What do you want to do now?" I ask looking at the time that states three o' clock. 

I decide to use the bathroom to put some more hairgel on. I go into the bathroom and do my business.

Wyldfyre's POV

Kai went into the bathroom to do whatever he's doing. I look around the room, bored. I see on the bed, Kai's phone. He lets me use an ipad sometimes to watch YouTube or play games. I go onto the bed and guess the password on his phone. I'm really good at guessing, especially when its dates. Only Skylor knows his password so its probably her birthday. I run out the room really quick to ask Nya when Skylor's birthday is. "Nya, when is Skylor's birthday?!" I ask "Uh, January 18.Why?" she replies "Okay, bye. Thanks!" I yell running back into Kai's room. I type in the numbers and the phone unlocked. "Yes!" I exclaim. I look at the bathroom if he was gonna take long but he always does so might as well. Kai always reminds that when I use the ipad, I can't look at the twitter and the photos. He says that its an invasion of privacy. Which he said is bad. "I'll just look at his pictures, no biggie." I tell myself. I open the photos app to reveal a bunch squares with names and pictures (album). I open the first one that was called "mission pics" which is filled of photos and videos of him with the ninja just running around Ninjago city while their on patrol. I leave the album looking for something for interesting.

I click on the title "Skylorr<33" which I'm guessing are pictures of Skylor. I was right, there were pictures of them and a themepark, a restaurant and whole bunch of other places. I also see a bunch of pictures of just Skylor. Lookd pretty creepy to me not gonna lie.

I click on another album called "Ninjass/Family." Hm, wonder what that is. I see a bunch of pictures of the ninja and two random people I don't know. They look pretty old too. Theres pictures of the ninjas having dinner and them just laughing around. I scroll back down and notice a photo that looked like me. I was suppose to click until Kai came out of the bathroom.

Kai's POV

I walk out the bathroom to see Wyldfyre on MY PHONE?! "Wyldfyre! Give me that!" I say grabbing the phone "Dramatic much? I just took a look at your pictures!" she replies "I always told you not to look at other peoples phones! Its an invasion of privacy! You know this!" I tell her "It was just your pictures!" Wyldfyre replies "You know its bad, Wyldfyre." I tell "For punishment, your not getting my ipad for today and tomorrow." I say "What?! You can't do that!" Wyldfyre argues "You deserve a punishment,Kid." I say "I don't get punishments!" she yells while I leave the room.

im so proud that im #2 🤩🤩

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